Hello all - This morning I made some changes to the site and moved a lot of the "static" files that are most often accessed to a CDN (content distribution network). This should speed up page loads and make PC overall a bit peppier. Have you noticed any differences? One issue I see is that the reply box is now not styled properly. It has a grey background and the font is wrong. I'll see about fixing that.
It sort of stalled for me a few times, earlier. Seemed to happen especially when posting or editting a post. Ok right now.
The font is different but I wouldn't say that it's "wrong". I mean, who are you to push your openly anti-Tahoma agenda on us?
Hey Mods, When I'm using my iPhone to visit Priuschat, is there a way to make the TapTalk box stop popping up?
Yeah, it's faster for me. I tried out the Amazon CDN but haven't done too much switch-over on my web sites.
Hmm, it seems PC has gone back to is previous state. It's anyone else experiencing it or is it locally on my computer?