Anyone get their Prius oil changed at places like Jiffy Lube? Do they tend to have the 0w-20 oil and correct filters in stock? Thanks!
I wouldn't take the risk. The last 2 times I had the oil/filter service performed on my car I paid ~$45 total at the dealer. How much cheaper can the quick lube places be? Look for web specials on the sites of your local dealers. Most will price match, and have "express lube" service.
I agree on using the dealer. they usually are a similar price and they are more responsible. if your toyota is new or newer, toyota has a 24 month maintenance plan that should be included with the purchase. Mine came with one. its a coupon book good (mine should be coming in the mail soon) for 4 oil changes per my salesmen. After the warranty period i plan on doing my own like on my other cars. But dealers usually have a good deal.
Actually, the coupons are only good for 2 oil changes (1 per 10,000 miles/1 year) and 4 tire rotations.
Jiffy Lube (Iffy Boob) and other such quickie oil change places are a big risk, they ruin a lot of good cars. Your chances are better at a dealer or a good independent mechanic. Unless you go to the dealer be sure to ask first if they have the correct filter and 0W20 oil in the brand you prefer. They should also replace the drain plug washer with the correct one.
Lots of horror storys about Jiffy but I have never had a problem with them. Here's why: I watch them do it. You can't do that at the dealer. And no matter what you pay at the dealer they could be using crappo vat oil in your car. Everbodys so impressed with the donuts and the chairs at the dealer while they sit there for an hour. I'm worried about what there doing to my car I bring Jiffy the oil I want to use. Mobil 1. I bring them the oil filter I want to use. The dealer oem filter. I duke the kid under the car $5. and ask him if anythings leaking under there. I stand there and watch them do it. They use my filter. It takes 5 minutes and I'm outa there. Good for 10,000 miles. Thats 5 minutes once a year. They charge me $19.99. plus my oil ($20) and filter ($4) and a tip($5). Or dealer. 2 hour wait...and if you think your getting good oil for $17.99 prepaid plan, coupon or whatever or not your nuts. There in it to make money on everyone and everything. And your not getting there line mechanic either. Your getting the oil change kid. And if you take it to the dealer...don't come back and complain about them overfilling it. They specialize in that.