I purchased the fog lights from Prius Chat. They were installed based on their instuctions. The test after the install appeared to be ok. However when the lights are turned on, either the parking or head lights, the digital dash goes black. Help!!
Just curious, how long did it take for you to receive them from PC? I ordered on Monday (4 Oct) and still have not received any shipping info! I hoped they would have come by now so I could have them installed. Will be curious what caused your problem, please keep us posted!
It was the dimmer swith. Something so obvious. I must have moved it while doing the install. Good thing I found it before I told the wife!
Me neither, but I'm getting rid of my wife. All those "But look how much money I saved" was breaking me!
sail, did you install them yourself or at a shop. i am fairely handy but the instructions did not seem very clear so am worried to try it myself. I really want aa set but not sure if i should try them myself. tks
The Install doesn't require brains. just basic knowledge. Removing the bolts underneath the car was the most arduous task. Fishing the wires through the firewall was quite easy for me. I just realized I installed the button upside down ....
Harry - I'm a novice when it comes to anything dealing with car parts installation, especially when it involves electrical connections. I was also a bit wary of the instructions provided, but after reviewing them a couple of times before the installation and then going through the actual installation process, they were very clear and easy to follow. The instructions, and installation, are very DIY-friendly.
Are you serious ? you ordered on 10/4 (Oct 4)? and did not receive yet? I ordered mine on 11/4/2010 and received them on 11/11/2010, exactly in a week's time.
If you have not done so, you need to PM Danny and let him know this. It should take no longer than 2 weeks to receive after ordering. I received mine in 5 working days after order.
We had exactly the same problem. My wife had to watch me freak out and blame the installation (done by our mechanic) at first. What I don't understand is why the dimmer is able to turn the display all the way down; shouldn't there be a minimum brightness level? Oh well. Thank God everything works! I do have to say that those "OEM-style" fog lights are quite nice. Our mechanic commented that they look good enough to have come from Toyota. I like that they are nice and low to the ground, ideal for navigating through the dense fog that we sometimes get where I live.
Unfortunately you won't get any tracking info. Mine just showed up one day when FedEx was delivering something else...
I've received the kit and have installed it already. It did take a little over two weeks to receive it, but I also had a glitch with PayPal when I originally placed the order, so the order never showed under my account, and that's why I thought I didn't receive any tracking info... I did e-mail Danny and he did reply and confirmed my order was placed.