Something that has been brought up in this thread is the incorrect use of words and the spelling errors I see so frequently in so many threads. It would be so nice if people would just proof read their comments before they hit the "post reply" button. As mentioned: - peddle instead of pedal Then there's: - probably meaning probably - their meaning they're (they are) as in "They're going to see the new Prius." - Denier meaning denyer (if that even is a word!) And there are so many more that I cannot recall at the moment.
Sounds like my wife (aptly termed-olMM old Motor Mouth, as in talks and talks...); anyhow in her '09 Chevy DOHC 4 Malibu LT with 6 speed AT....she does good to hit 20-21 in town! On my recently traded '05 Accord V6 EX-L coupe with a 4 speed AT I'd get 25-26 in town; 30-32 hwy. I have gotten a touch over 35mpg highway with the Malibu in light freeway traffic. Definately the drivers LEAD FOOT! Funny thing is I still would get from point A to point D FASTER, too! My son is the same way as his mommy, but with a '08 Civic so he can "manage" upper 20s in town!! Ooooh! When I got my '10 Prius IV, olMM decided she really wanted one, too. Besides being out of funds, I asked her, WHY would I want to buy you a Prius....that would be the only one in Indiana to get 30mpg in town...maybe? Did NOT go over well...guess the TRUTH hurts!!! DFO