I'm thinking about installing some headrest monitors -so the backseat can watch movies on long trips. I haves set of grey power acoustik preloaded 8.8" wide touch screen universal headrest monitors with built in DVD players in each. It's the HDVD-9GR model. The only problem is my interior isn't grey! So I'm going to sell them, but I'm just wondering if anybody has experience with these monitors or installing them. I want to know if it's worth getting this set of monitors in the right color or should I go for a different brand or type all together. If anyone has any feedback on this subject or alternative suggestions it would be much appreciated. Also if anyone has heard of any problems arising from installing these in a prius -I'd like to know that as well. Thanks
There are lots of upolstery places in so cal. . Most of the mom/pop shops aren't on the Inet I found but are in the yellow pages.
I'll look into that then -I just do not know if it will be a problem with these -but I'll check it out. Also does anyone have any idea how easy these are to install in the prius?
I actually just called some upholstery places & somebody told me to try dyeing the leather to match instead -they said to use that SEM dye -I've been looking into it & everything seems to be positive that I've read -does anyone here have experience with this stuff?
How about West Coast Customs? I hear they like to put an LCD or two in their cars once in a while.... [cue Yo Dawg! jokes] I also expect you to be playing rap music videos while driving down the road on said LCDs after you get them installed.
they are easy to install, if you have the nav/amp on the driver seat you already have most of the work done, just "tap" into the power & ground wires from the amp and you are all set, as far as dyeing goes, i would say pick your color and do a test on the bottom part of the headrest to see how the colors interact.