I called my dealership today to get a quote for in dash GPS install for my 2010 Prius ll.. She said they use Rosen and it would be around 2,000 for purchase and install... Does that sound about right, and is it a good deal? I have no experience in doing it myself that is why im going to the dealer.. Also don't want to void my warranty.
There is another thread in this section from a Prius owner who recently installed a Rosen unit (nice looking unit). As I recall, he paid around $ 1000 for the unit. A professional installer should be able to install the unit in less than 45 minutes (including coffee break). Sound like you are paying an awful lot. I'd suspect that an independent pro could sell you the unit and install it for less. See link: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-another-rosen-navigation-system-install.html Keith
We just had a Kenwood GPS installed in our daughter's Civic and it cost us $1200 installed by a local stereo shop, and that included the interface for the steering wheel controls. I would think you could get it much cheaper than $2000 if you shop around to some local car audio shops.
The dealer isn't going to install anything. The car will be pulled into a bay where the indy shop's installer will work on it. He'll be wearing either a dealer or Toyota shirt so you won't know the difference. He'll get paid whatever his contracted rate is & the dealer will keep the rest. Toyota isn't going to cover anything damaged by the install.
based on the link tech_guy posted im going with that and having my uncle help me install... doesn't really look that hard ((fingers crossed))
an all in one nav unit maybe but not if it has a hide-a-way unit. Years ago when I was a professional installer, It used to take 1-3 hours to install an indash monitor with hide-a-way amp and a hide-a-way nav. Back then there were no true all in one unit. Every indash monitor had a hie-a-way unit. I understand that some indash units now are all in one but many still have hide-a-way units.
I can't speak to how often 3rd party nav units get stolen, but I worry about car stereo theft in general. I've been the victim of this before and personally know of others in the same boat, so I'm wary of installing something that's >$1K that can be universally used in most other cars. (Integrated factory provided nav systems are a lot harder, if not near impossible w/o a ton of effort to get to work and fit in another car.) I think the OP might be better off being a Garmin PND or other PND that uses Navteq maps. Sure, it's a lot less convenient but $2K can pay for a couple Garmin PNDs, map updates for them and have money left to pay for PNDs getting stolen + replacements for broken windows (if one carelessly leaves it out).
Like others have said.........That is way out of line.......The Rosen is supposed to be a direct fit for the 2010 Prius and if you go to there web it is somewhere around $900.00. I think you should order the unit and have a local stereo shop install it
Have you seen the Rosen.........It is a direct fit.....you would think that it is a OEM display......
My bad. No, I hadn't until now. Interesting... It does fit pretty nicely w/the rest of the 3rd gen Prius' interior styling. However, it looks VERY different than the OEM nav unit and I'm not just talking about the UI.
The unit is not exact, but pretty close. I heard the grain on the plastic face of the unit is a little different than the Prius dash plastic
I just installed the Rosen unit. Matches the interior almost perfectly. The install took about an hour. trailduty.com had the unit on sale last week for $799 including the ipod cable and free shipping. Unfortunately it looks like the price is back to $1099 now. My only complaint is that the GPS antenna cable wasn't long enough to mount the antenna out the back on the roof. I currently have the antenna on top of the unit in the dash but my reception isn't great so I have ordered an extension from eBay.