Took me about an hour with a dremel, but I think it came out fantastic. It is right behind the steering wheel so you look through the wheel to see the screen. Granted, it is a bit hard to press the buttons, but I generally leave it on the same screen.
That's pretty much where I have mine velcro'd. I don't want a permanent installation as my wife has a Prius too and we use her's for LD trips. This way, I can move it from my car to her's with little trouble. It DOES look nice though. Yeah, pushing the buttons is a pain...I leave mine pretty much set at: RPM - check if/how hard the engine is running soc - always want to know how much charge is in the HV battery bta - I have an Enginer kit and I monitor how many amps go to HV battery fWT - Nice to know when I'm warmed up, near/in S4.
I use 3 of the same readouts (I also have an engineer kit) but I see no point in SOC since I can see that on the center screen in the prius. So I use RPM,engine temp, bat volts, bat amps.
+1 That is just some fine Dremel work!!! I have always considered that spot, excuse me if I borrow your idea! Well done!!!
Where is the like button on PriusChat? I like it! Mine is velcroed to the top of the steering column.
Very nice! Are you willing to cut panels for a fee? I'm trying to find a good place to mount my SG as well -- so far I'm thinking about the CD panel.
+1, also, how did you cut the perfect square? I have a dremel tool, but would not trust myself to get it right the first try. Any recommendations? Thanks.
No problem, for your next dremel project, you can create a five button remote control panel to fit in one of the spare swich locations.