Help! When I open the hatch, it hits my garage ceiling. I read some posts on this topic suggesting using cord to limit how much it can open. Anyone know of other options. Thanks!
Here's what I did (the thread has other suggestions as well):
I have the same problem in the car port of our condo complex. So, I can't nail much of anything to the ceiling. I'm going to try the cord to limit how high the hatch will open. After initially forgetting about the hatch hitting the ceiling, now I just let it open very slowly and I haven't had much of a problem. But, I think it is still better to use the cord rather than pad the ceiling. That way, it won't hit the ceiling of ANY garage/port as opposed to just yours. Dumb Mike
Even when I open it really slowly, it won't stop until it is open the full way or hits the ceiling=( Seems like a faulty design. Padding the ceiling isn't really an option since I'm in a rental. I've been using a bungee cord, which works well, but requires 2 hands so not ideal.
I swung ours up into a parking garage ceiling over the weekend: lucky it was coated with some sort of fluffy insulation, so no harm.
Update: I'm using a bungee cord and it's working well (attached to the hook meant for the cargo net on the bottom, and the hatch hook on top). Definitely a bit of a nuisance since it requires 2 hands to close the hatch, but it's doing the job. Also, the hatch doesn't fly up on its own like when I first got it. I can stay half open on its own. But not 100% reliable since the tiniest accidental tap and it goes right up!
I christened ours within a day or two of my last post: yes the hatch clears the garage door, even rolled up. But I found out the first time I closed the door with hatch up: a trailing linkage caught the spoiler. Luckily the garage rollers jumped the track at contact, and the damage was just cosmetic.