It's nothing really new, but in the video the guy is pretty certain PHEV will be an option and not a standard. Of course, I'll take it with a grain of salt. Toyota Prius PHEV preview: three days in plug-in paradise -- Engadget EDIT: oops meant PHEV on the title, but can't edit
Actually, the plug-in feature will just be a package choice. We'll still call it a different model anyway. But all it really will be is added on components... the 2 sub-packs, the charger, the connector. .
I was thinking there may be a little bit of a fudge-factor allowed, where we may not see that until 2013. Of course, the upcoming new bigger Prius V is expected to use Lithium right from the start. .
It's possible. The date currently floating around is July 2012... if that's the case, my bet is that it'll be a 2013 MY car.
Toyota can't wait too long to put it out because other choices are out sooner rather than later (Volt, Leaf, etc.). Besides, I'm getting impatient already.
Good thing comes to those who wait. There will be so many choices in the next 2-3 years. It is great to see this happening. The credit of course goes to the Hybrid Synergy Drive that moved all of us forward. Your 2008 is just two years old and you are thinking of trading it in?
Rushing to market doesn't seem to be working out for GM. Look at how much focus there is already on goals that weren't met yet. They're being thought of as shortcomings already. Toyota's 600 PHV currently collecting real-world data around the world will provide a clear expectation for consumers. Determining all the unknowns prior to rollout while GM struggles dealing with their fallout sounds like a good plan to me.... especially since the PHV is the 4th Prius delivery wait I've had to endure over the past decade. Like the others, I know that's well worth it... since I've already driven one. Patience. .
We did a 36 month lease in March of 2010. The timing looks impeccable. We will not lease the 2013. I am getting really excited about the PHV already! Bo
YES!!! I have to realize though that I won't be able to buy a PHEV in 2011, probably '12. I usually change cars every 2 years.