Front Lower Bumper Add on/Damage Repair

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by Gwest, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Gwest

    Gwest Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Redwood City
    2010 Prius
    I have a V and Some how I got a (phantom) scuff on the bumper front passenger side. I say Phantom because I have no Idea how it got there. My guess is my wife did it and didn't know she did. Any how. It bugged the crap out of me. I have a clear bra film on the front bumper so a tradition paint and body work repair was going to be a pain. I had seen some add on pieces in Rodney’s Prius thread and asked about some JDM Lower Bumper add on's to cover or hide the scuff mark.
    I never got a reply from anyone about the JDM parts so I decided to do some looking around. I came across some molding at the Local parts store. It looked like it would work but it was to narrow. A quick search of the internet and I came across a place that sells all sorts of molding in different sizes and colors. The place is called "Brand Sport"
    I picked a molding that was wide enough to cover the scuff. You can buy the molding by the foot. It was like $13 bucks for the 5 feet I needed. I had to do the driver and passenger side. 2 1/2 feet per side with plenty of left over.

    Sorry I didn't take a pick of the damage I covered up. Here are some Install picks. Took about 15 min's to do.

    Stock bumper
    This was the side with the scuff on it.
    [​IMG][​IMG]Over all it was a cheep quick easy fix to a problem that could have cost me over $1000.

    HAWAIIANBUILT Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2010
    SO CAL
    2010 Prius
    HEY GWEST !!!


    My apologies again for the delay on PG Motoring. I know they were getting ready for the big SEMA show so now that it's come and gone things should be returning back to normal.

    Sigma does sell the item you were looking for, I've never purchased anything from them personally so I can't really comment about them.

    Did you see my post about the SEMA Show? It looks like the item you're looking for will be offered in the Prius PLUS Package to be available next year I believe !!!

    Here's the link to the post :

    Here are pix too ...


    The Quick Fix you did looks amazing it looks like it came from the Factory !!!

    Hope you're having a great weekend !!!


  3. deltron3030

    deltron3030 New Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Lakewood, CA
    2010 Prius
    Gwest, please go into detail about the install....does the molding taper on it's own? (it appears as though it tapers as it reaches the front of the car in your pics). I have the same issues though less "phantom" and more "pharking block"
  4. Gwest

    Gwest Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Redwood City
    2010 Prius
    In the 2nd Picture above you can see by my thumb the angle that I cut into the molding. What I did was figure out how wide the damage your trying to cover is. Then order a piece of molding that will cover that damage. They have them in most colors and thickness as well as shapes.
    5 Feet of molding will do the job of both left and right side.
    I got the molding nice a warm with a heet gun so its real flexable. (it comes rolled up like a cinimaon roll) so by getting it warm its real flexable.
    Then i used blue painters tape and taped it to the bumper where I wanted it to go.
    As the lip on the bumper rolls away near the front middle of the bumper that's where I made the angle cut. (It helps the molding roll under the bumper and follows the curve of the bumper.
    I left extra over hang on the end of the bumper (near the wheel) and cut that extra off with a straight razor.
    When you make you angle cut for the front you can mark the angle you like with a black pen. Then after your done with your cut you can smooth out the cut line with some sand paper.
    Use the Blue painters tape to make a straight line on the bottom edge of your bumper this will serve as a guide for the molding.
    Then just remove the sticker backing on the molding and install it. Make sure you clean the bottom edge of your bumper with somthing that will remove wax and grease and road grime.
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