Do you mean here? That little exchange? People were even defending you, for pete's sake. Good thing we went so easy on you.....
I am not familiar with the "rothchild" [sic] conspiracy theory. But I generally don't subscribe to conspiracy theories. Since big campaign contributions are public information, it's no secret that both parties are funded by the same corporations. And their own public pronouncements make clear that both parties are committed to capitalism. That there is virtually no difference between the ideologies of the two parties is my opinion. Of course other people, closer on the spectrum to those parties, would perceive a greater difference. When a large group of people have the same outlook and the same goals, they don't need to conspire in order to all act similarly. E.g. to support candidates who will support their interests, and/or to support both candidates in a race in order to insure that the winner will be beholden to them, regardless of who wins. Is the "rothchild" [sic] conspiracy supposed to be a grand Jewish conspiracy? If so, I know it's not real, because I am Jewish, and nobody has invited me in.
I've gone from extreme right-wing, fundamentalist Republican/Christian, to pretty far left-wing liberal Democrat/pagan. Is it genetic? :huh: Tough to answer that. I do know that going to college and widening my circle of acquaintances was involved, though.
I used to consider myself to be pretty moderate, but I remember which party elected the Worst President Everâ„¢ twice, first in 2000 and again in 2004.
At least HE was born in the U.S.! (Note: This post is parody. You can tell it's not from a real teabagger because nothing is misspelled).
There is a definitely a "question authority" gene in my family. I hope my daughters have children of their own so they can experience it for themselves, LOL.
But you are the exception. Americans remember what they ate for breakfast yesterday, and that's about it.
Most can recall all the important stuff in a year long buffer. Knowing which sports team won ten years ago, the names and outfits of every member of the Jersey shore programme, and that's about it.
Yes, his last name is McCarthy, but I believe he passed away in 2005 so perhaps the question should be "Was there a liberal gene?"
Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Seems like your logical outcropping of the grand zionist protocols conspiracy theory. Since my last name is Rosenberg, I was tought the secret handshake from an early age