It's an old woman hiding her face and talking either to herself or someone off screen. Well either that or a time travelling woman! lol
If it's a time traveler with a cell phone, who'd she supposed to be talking to? Another time traveler with another cell phone? And which cell phone company is providing the service? I'm sure not convinced.
Tony will answer that question for you . . . is it me or is it just coincidence that the answer is in the episode titled "42" LOL! The Doctor: Well, there we go, universal roaming. [tosses Martha her newly altered cell phone] The Doctor: Never have to worry about a signal again. Martha Jones: No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone anywhere in space and time on my mobile? The Doctor: As long as you know the area code. [ame=""]Doctor Who-ÉñÃز©Ê¿.µÚÈý¼¾.7A_ÔÚÃßÊÓƵ¹Û¿´_Ãö¹ÃøÊÓƵ ÉñÃز©Ê¿ Doctor Who µçÊÓ¾ç BBC[/ame]
It is widely thought of as this device that she is using but who is she talking to? Siemens Hearing Instruments - Our History
In order for her cell phone to work, there has to be cell towers. This time traveler has to bring the cell towers as well.
Same thing I said immediately to someone at work showing me this video at work last week USB... I thought of something like an ear trumpet while watching it, but it is still amazing how much it does look like a cell phone when watching it.
Any sufficiently advanced time traveling civilization would have some fairly advance communications devices as well.
A long time ago the Chinese civilization bound feet believing smaller feet to be more attractive, obviously her civilization believed Ginormous feet to be attractive!
I'm not buying the "ear trumpet" story. Naturally, she has crappy looking shoes - she is trying to blend in.
In Chaplin's day people walking on the street talking to themselves were considered deranged. Today they are believed to be talking on a phone (although they may still be deranged).
Definately looks like a cell phone device, but again no towers no cell phone. Probably just a mad guy in drag. Didn't Picard and crew go back in time to 1893 San Fransisco and that's how they met Guina, well Data did at first... Could be a similar situation
So was this just a pointless joke or a stunt, or is the guy seriously deranged? I mean the film maker who claims the lady is a time traveler. I'm sure if you examined enough films and videos from any period, you could find plenty of little oddities like this.
I think it is much more likely that she is talking to a small faerie in a matchbox. But it also looks something like Dick Cheney, and he had ugly shoes too.