I've had my differences with Consumer Reports over the years with their testing methodology. But every now and then, they come up with a "bless you my son" suggestion: Consumer Reports Cars Blog: Insider tip: Putting on winter tires the easy way We don't live in a snow-tire area but the article goes on to describe how well the Prius works in winter on snow tires. Bob Wilson
Genius! I just picked up Bridgestone Blizzak WS-60s with alloy wheels from Tirerack with wheels for $680 including the shipping costs. Got to me in 1 day. Amazing. Will be slapping them on the new 2010 prius we just got (our family's 3rd), as soon as it seems like they will be necessary. Maybe I'll have them put on when I rotate the tires. Dave
Problem for GenIII owners in Canada, we can't (at least I can't) find any place that sells 0W20 synthetic other than Toyota dealers, so I've no choice but to get oil change from them. Last time I asked the maintenance advisor there, he said they'll change my mounted tires for free twice a year as long as I own the vehicle, provided I purchase the winter tires and rims from them. Sounds like good deal, eh? Here's the catch, it only costs $1700 + tax (and death)! and it's not even alloy rims but only steel ones. Sigh!