:lol: I'm sorry, I just kept cracking up reading this, LOT of crack-pots out there... http://swiftreport.blogs.com/news/2005/04/...blasts_hom.html Roman God "Priapus"? Who knew??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I found the Swift Boat Veterans' report much more believable. There is at least one Prius (and a user on PriusChat) named Priapus.
:blink: I hope this is a satire. Who knew our energy crisis was due, not to every day power excesses and gas guzzling SUVs, but all that gay track lighting. I know homophobia is epidemic in our country, allthough in my little bubble of the San Francisco Bay Area it sure doesn't seem that way, but what possible way do they have for figuring that gays use 20% of our power with only 4% of the population? First of all, what about all those closet cases? Secondly, don't they realize many straight people (like me) prefer gay clubs? So all those lights and stuff are being used by the straight population too. Of course, just thinking about all the power wasted at Shopping Malls boggles the mind, and trust me, those are frequented by far more straights than gays. This has to be a joke . . . right?
Yeah, it's definitely a joke. It did make me wonder, for some reason, why they don't hook up all those treadmills and exercise bikes in gyms to generate energy for the lights. Jan
I remember back in January when, during a online chat, I mentioned that I was renting a Prius. One of the chatters wasn't interested as he considered it a "gay car." I did a Google and that's one of the first sites I saw. At first I thought it was real, but came to realize it's like The Onion.
wait...it's *not* a gay car??!?!?!?! Guess I better return it and go visit the VW dealer and find something a little less straight then! -m.
I'm gay and my partner is gay and we both have Prius' so maybe this is a true fact.. I enjoyed reading the article
I used to visit such clubs. Talk about fustration. A line in a poem comes to mind: "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink"