FYI. Sounds like an assembly defect: Prius steering column scare pits Madison family against Toyota "On Interstate 90-94, near the Highway 30 exit, Meek felt the entire steering column telescope and fall. Desperate, he tried to lift the steering column and wheel."
Why do you post something that happened once (if true), when other carmakers have millions of recalls due to "bad wiring, etc." that has been leading to the whole cars/SUVs catching fire, etc. Just be glad far fewer parts are likely to fail on your Toyota than tip-over Explorers or burning GM Fieros / Ford Pintos.
The article makes no sense. He may have had steering, or he may not. it fell off in his lap, but he could steer it if he held it up. Sounds like new owner either didn't know what they were doing or couldn't afford it, so did a Sikes.
With both hands on the wheel, mine still steers as directed even when the latch is released and the column is flopping all over the place. (Tested while stationary, ignition off.) Based on other comments in the article, I think I'm detecting a faint Sykes-like aroma.