My bike rack fits into a 2 inch receiver trailer hitch. Can you put a trailer hitch that receives a two inch insert on a Prius? I never tow anything other than my bike rack that holds four bikes. When I am alone I put the bike in the back of the vehicle but when friends and family are with the bike rack goes on. Thanks for your insights. No not you Honda
Do you mean specifically on a 2010? We're not sure yet what size hitches will be made for the 2010, although there is a 2" hitch for the 2004-2009.
Coastal Tech lists a 2" receiver for the current Prius here : Receiver Hitch Since you're posting in the 2010 thread I'm assuming that you are wondering if a 2" will be offered for the G3. Lets hope that it won't take too long for manufacturers to offer something for the 2010
You can add whatever you want. I just went to a hitch shop and had them custom-weld together a hitch for carrying my bike rack... for my Classic Prius... way back in 2001. Since then, options to purchase have emerged for both models. So, it's pretty realistic that a 2010 will be available. And if none are 2-inch, you can always do what I did (photos here). .
Thanks for the input. And yes I am wondering about 2010 But if pricing is to high then I will go with 2009
I just bought a curt hitch for a 2010, got it off ebay for about $112 shipped to my door. I could not find a 2" receiver, so I bought a adapter at the local auto parts store. Hope to get it installed this weekend.
Below is the Curt website for the 2010 Prius hitch. (For whatever reason, I could not get the Curt website to paste and work.) Below is the link for the installation instructions. I installed a Curt hitch on my 2007 Camry. It was easy to install and works great to haul a small trailer and hold my bike carrier. Looks like it would work well on the Prius to hold a bike carrier, but I don't plan to tow anything with the Prius.
Attached is the link to the installation instructions for the Curt hitch for the 2010 Prius. I installed a Curt hitch on my 2007 Camry to pull a small trailer and hold my bike carrier. It was easy to install and works great. Looks like it would work well on the Prius to hold a bike carrier, but I don't plan to tow anything with the Prius. (Ooops. Sorry for this redundant post.)
Not sure why you would buy a smaller one when there are two MFGs with 2". Bought mine from "Quality S" for like $100. I think Curt has one now too... They bolt on, and are pretty unobtrusive... These are 'class III' hitches - though I haven't tried pulling 5,000 lbs ;-)
I just installed the "Quality S" Class 3 hitch and am very satisfied with it. Took about an hour in the garage to install it, and it's a very solid hitch. I'll test it with the bike rack in a week or two.
Thanks for all the info. It seems as if the Quality S hitch sits lower than the 1.25" Curt hitch. can anyone confirm this? I have a really steep driveway and need as much clearance as possible even if that means getting a 1.25" rack...