I've been watching the SE Toyota region inventory for the last few months, and lately waiting for '06's to show up. The '05 inventory got to an all-time low of only 3 pages (90 Prius') a few days ago with last availability dated 11/1/05. I hoped the next update would include some '06, but not yet, there's still more '05's to come. Its up to 18 pages today, (500+ Prius'). What really galls me is the number of cars with lesser factory pkgs that have been maxed out with port options that drive the price to close to $34,000 !!!!!!! Sure, I'd expect a few cars to be done this way, but on this new list it's page after page, several hundred cars. Dual headset DVD displays, 17'' wheels and every crap add-on imaginable. And these aren't even Pkg 6 cars. It's a shame the way they are turning what was meant to be a moderately priced, fuel saving, innovative car into an way overpriced and sickening profit maker. By the way, last availability on this list is 11/10/05. Maybe the next list will include some '06's.
I too am absolutely disgusted by the way they are handling the last of the 05's. I've been waiting for over a month now for my parents to finally agree to get me the car (replacing my gas sucking H2), and they have been looking at getting me a Package 6 silver or black 2005. Today I log on to the inventory to notice that not only are both of the regular priced Prii ($27-29k for a moderately option-filled package 6) gone from the site (sold undoubtedly), the next 3 pages of the inventory are these low-package Prii with expensive add-ons like the rims and DVD systems. (Most of the cars have EVERYTHING, including an $80 dollar ash tray and $619 Toyoguard service!) I think Toyota realizes people want these very badly, so they max them out with expensive options (some package 1's up to $33k in North Carolina) to get the most out of their remaining 05's. It's dispicable, wrong, and it greatly hurts my chances of getting the Prius that I've been waiting to get. Disgusting. Toyota Corp. will be receiving a letter from me very soon.
I don't know that it is so much Toyota Motor Co. as it is the regional distributorships. They are the theives. I love the Prius and all it's about, but I'd never pay for one of those jack-up ones. A base model Prius for $33,000 , yeah,right!
Here's the link. It will come back saying Durham, NC, but that is just because of the dealer code used in the link. It's for the whole SE region inventory, SE Region Inventory
now, now, now.. this is not Toyota's doing... SE and GST are not part of Toyota and do just about anything that darn please... options to add/remove. Not sure but SE just might be worse than GST as I understand the dealers can opt out of the "Extras" and GST won't force fontend load them if they request.. that is what a Dealer told me in Round Rock Tx Just the way I understand it.. head to WV/North region get it from them.. they are part of Toyota Corp. What are they doing in the LA port region?
Oh I understand that this is not directly Toyota's fault, and I will state this fact in anything I write to them. However, it is Toyota's responsibility to oversee these people who are hurting their reputation. Toyota is an amazing company whom we have bought over ten cars from in the past ten years, but behavior like this (by them or on their behalf) hurts their reputation for being one of the better car companies. What could have been a selection of over 40 package 6's is now about 5 package 6's, which means that I will most likely not end up getting the car until either the next (un-tampered with) allocation comes in (over a month) or until the 06's come. It's just unnecessary to treat customers with such disrespect.
So go to Virginia... it's just north of NC, ya know They're part of a different distributorship and you won't have to fight with SET. I did get gouged with Toyoguard and overpriced mats, but that was it. Of course, this was back in March before they were desperate to sell off the last of the 05s at high profit.
Obviously people are buying them, other wise they wouldn't be selling them and they'd stop doing this. So the only way to prevent this in the future is for them not to sell. As my brother-in-law says though, "There's an nice person for every seat", so it's likely they'll continue to sell.
I just want to say hats off on replacing your H2. Proof that not every H2 owner is a total donkey with no regard for anyone else around them. Nate
I don't really think it matters who is replacing it. I'm only 17 and my parents don't allow me to work so I can concentrate fully on my schoolwork and actually have somewhat of a social life. Instead of being rude and making fun of me because my parents are buying the car, you could be sensible and be glad that I got them to agree to ditch the H2. My mom recently ditched hers in favor of a 2005 Sienna (very very nice van btw), and my dad is about to downsize to an H3 (as he actually needs the 4-wheel power for his work.) Regardless of who is buying the car, its a good thing to have one less gas-guzzling SUV on the roads. ... and no, I'm writing the letter you smarta**.
Just a warning on the H3, it is INCREDIBLY gutless. It only has a 5-cylinder engine and takes over 12 seconds 0-60. It's not very torquey either. The H3 is really just for show. There are many better options for "4 wheel power." Have your Dad shop around to be sure he won't be disappointed. Nate
Well we have read the reviews, and driven an H3 (was his rental car while his H2 was getting serviced). He is happy enough with the torque and power it provides. He doesn't really need too much pushing power, just a high ground clearence for the undeveloped property he drives on. It isn't set in stone, but he gets good deals at the Hummer dealership because our uncle is pretty high up in the company (lol I know that is akin to being Satan to many of you). And yes, go ahead and cry. I know it's pathetic, but 3 months ago our family owned 3 H2's. Disgusting... yes... wasn't my choice. Luckily, it will soon be down to a smaller SUV, Sienna, and Prius. Apparently my dad has seen the error in his ways :blink:
whilst it does sadden me that a whole damily would want to own hummers, i'm thrilled that you want to switch to a prius. regardless of whos paying, you want to get rid of a gas hog and drive something much better for the environment - and that gets kudos from me