Hello from Austin TX! I didn't need much. No bells and whistles. Floor mats were nice. Just a gorgeous red base model gen III. My problem? I want to drive it too much! After a few days of ownership, I find myself being sad that I only drive to and from work during the week!! It defeats the purpose of getting a fuel efficient car when I want to run an errand at the drop of a hat. Maybe this feeling will subside... (but I don't want it to). When does the urge to turn around and look back at your car after taking 20 steps away from parking your car in the farthest parking spot possible at the grocery store go away?
Ron, I feel your pain. 1,000 miles in my first week. :rockon: Go ahead, don't hold back and give in to the Force.
Wow 1,000 miles in a week? thats an amazing pace, whats the amount of mileage you plan to use in 1 year?
I COMPLETELY understand! I did 2500 in my first week. Went everywhere we could think to go! Mountains, relatives, shopping, etc. Coming from an 11mpg Escalade, it's like a whole new lifestyle! Glad you're so pleased with yours! One of my friends has had his for almost 3 years and likes it as well as when he bought it. Enjoy and congrats!
Hey RonRon, we got the same car,a 2010 red Prius II.Yep ,absolutely love ours too. Right now,I'm practically telling my wife that we should go to Orlando. We usually just go there every other weekend . But now ,the Prius is very fun to drive so I totally can't wait to drive it again!
Yup, everyday I find myself looking forward to going to visit family this Thanksgiving just because I'll get to drive to Houston. No other reason I can think of...