I just received a spam message to the email address I used for the Prius Chat Shop. Subject was "Enable protection against fraudulent use of credit cards !" It includes a link to what looks to be a phishing site. Just thought I would inform everyone. Its nothing to serious if you take the proper precautions. Either the address list was hacked, stolen, or sold. Most likely the addresses were sold by the company that handles the shop transactions and the spammers got a hold of the address through a third party. I can track where my spam comes from because I have my own domain name and I setup a different email address for every site I sign up for. This allows me to track who is selling my information or not keeping safe. This also allows me to keep my spam to a minimum because I can block individual addresses.
I just checked my e-mail and had the same spam... Mine looked like it was coming from Visa... You are right, when you rolled over the link, it looked suspect... Thanks for pointing out it was a fraudulent link... Dan
I'm taking a look into the issue, and apologize for this happening. I can assure you that I did not sell anyone's contact information to any third parties.
Danny I know you would not sell the information but the company that handles the transactions might. It just depends on who all handles the email addresses.
Also Danny if you want a copy of the email so you have the header information I can send you a copy. Dont know what good it will do but I have it if you want it.
I also got the same spam. I looked at the raw source and it was definitely not legitimate. I think the web address had a .nl suffix, but I deleted it so I can't verify. NEVER click on a link in an email.
You can accomplish the same thing if you have Yahoo Mail Plus (for a yearly fee) by setting up disposable email addresses. You can then have emails to those addresses go to your regular in-box, or to folders you set up and specify. When done with an address you can delete it.
I got one too, also purportedly from "Visa". Said something about activating my card. Looked like phishing/spam so I deleted it.