I am getting this Remote Engine Start kit installed this coming Friday. This one is on Toyota's Website under "Accessories and upgrades". It says you do not need extra set of keys ( as you would with other Out of market ones), since the engine start function is integrated into the smart key. Anyone else have this on your Prius ? Any experience of how this performs ? Thanks
I don't have it but know about it... I don't like it for one reason. Toyota made it where when you open the drivers door to get it, it cuts the engine off, needing to only restart the car again for no reason. The aftermarket one I had many years ago just had you put the key in and then step on the brake, which need to be done anyway to put it into drive. If you stepped on the brake without the key in it, then it cut the engine. I feel Toyota should have done something like that since shutting the car off just to have to restart it again is counter productive. And it's not only Toyota who went this route with their OEM remote start. Honda has it as well; A friend has it in his Civic and it operates like Toyota's. Other than that, having a remote start is great in cold weather... And not needing the extra key since its from Toyota is a huge plus. If I were to get one it would be the OEM one even with the engine shut off with the door thing, but having a garage now I just don't have a use for it.
I have it. With winter coming I'll have to review how it works again, but it's something like - Press Lock button on the fob quickly twice. Hold it down one more time for about 3 seconds. Engine starts. Done. As Paradox mentioned, opening the door will stop the engine. I believe this is a theft deterrent, since my car is parked in the driveway, not in a garage. It will also stop the engine automatically after about ten minutes. Enough time to warm up the interior, especially since I have the heated seats. I just have to remember to set the temperature and leave the heated seat button on the night before. All in all, it works for me...
I have it and have used it. It takes a little practice to get the the timing right when pressing the lock button. A single button would have been better. I've actually used it more in the summer when running into the market on a hot sunny day. But it does warm up the Prius in the winter and help melt snow/ice off the windshield. The usual complaint is that if the Prius is running, it will shut off when you open a door. I've never found the effort of pushing the Start button enough of a bother to care about. Much of the time I get to my car after the remote start has cycled off (or I didn't notice it was on), so it doesn't matter anyway. I recommend that you don't even worry about it and just get used to stepping on the brake and pressing Start every time.
I use it mostly in the summer to cool the car. It works great. I am so use to getting in the car pressing the brake and then the power button to start I don't think anything about it stopping the engine when I open the door.
I am going to have it installed before the snow flies this year. As with others, I figure that I have to get in the car, depress the brake pedal and hit the start button without the remote start in order to get the vehicle moving, so it's no more effort with the remote start.
I am OK with the engine shutting off when you open the door. It is a security feature. most of you have said you like to use that in summer ? but the 2010 Gen III Prius (package IV) comes with Solar Roof. I have already tried that to see if the car cools down a bit in 3 minutes of time. It does work. so I think the remote start is mainly for Winter seasons where you need to clear Frost/Snow/ICE etc and keep the interior warm before getting into the CAR. I will post my view on this one after I get it installed. the good thing that I see is there are no additional sets of keys or buttons to press/operate. I had remote start on my Sienna as well. and enjoyed it.
Having owned two aftermarket, one GM, and now they solar roof a/c design, I will offer this about auto start systems: check the aftermarket before you write the check. One, they can be way cheaper than OEM solutions even with installation. Two, they are usually better designed, more features, and much longer range. Downside: additional key fob, may not be Prius compatible. That the accessory Toyota unit cancels upon the door opening (like my remote a/c) is silly. Theft? The doors should be locked anyway plus the car shouldn't be able to be driven off without the SKS in range (easy software programming).
What is the range of the Remote start function that Toyota Offers ? i have seen after market ones from 300 Ft to 3/4 of a mile (one from Compustar which I had on my Sienna with status indicators)
I was interested in this model of the remote starter see link: Toyota Prius Accessories This one is made exclusively for Prius models which is integrated into th smart key. anyone else ? any idea what the range is for this model of remote start?
Thanks for your response. I think I will wait until this friday when I will have this installed on my Prius.
I just got the remote on my 2010 PRIUS IV. Not impressed with remote start at all. Really have to practice using the two presses and then one long press. Range is super short - 80 feet is generous! The door issue is stupid, but not a big deal. Was going to go aftermarket, but feared the implications on the warranty. Good luck with your install this Friday.
Here's my thing -- I have the V with the full-boat keyless access. The car's remote is by itself (I have all my other keys on a separate chain). So, I don't want to increase the bulk of the item needed to operate the vehicle as those remain in my pocket all the time. So, this leaves me two options: go with the factory remote start or go with Viper (I believe) and the Smart-Start. The Viper option alleviates any "range" issues. It's also at least 50% more expensive. Any other option will require the addition of another "remote" to the mix.