Hey there's no need for a Prius and thus a two car solution for only one persons' driving needs. These folks http://www.emavco.com/ can provide your leaf with the ability to actually drive out of town and make it back :cheer2:; you know like a Volt. Please ignore that this rube goldberg solution will only cost you over $50,000 after taxes but before rebates.
Sorry, that range extender/charger is $15000. It is probably one of the WORST ways of dealing with range anxiety. option 1) (really the best one!) Buy a Leaf.... then take the $15000 for the range extender and put in the bank. When you need to take a large trip withdraw $ to pay for a rental car (or truck). At the end of 10 years you should have money still in the bank... while the range extender would be needing an overhaul. option 2) Buy a Leaf..... and a used.... Prius... Pickup truck... or anything that will fill the long range need. Even with insurance you could do it for years before you hit $15000. option 3) Buy a Volt. With the extra dough you could. You might not have the best electric car but it wont be as dangerous on the highway and need two parking spots. I like the idea of a range extender, but it needs to be about 1/3 that price and smaller.
i dont like the idea of a range extender. what i like is a network of charging stations HALF as extensive as our gasoline station network. that will do for now
I tend to agree. A good used Prius will run around $10,000 to $13,000. Probably a much better investment than the range extender. What really irks me are all of the people who complain that these vehicles won't sell because of problem A, B, or C. Typically range is one of the biggest issues I hear. But for some reason people don't stop to think that not everyone in the world has the same needs as them. In fact, I made a video about that very topic: evtalk: EV Myths | evtalk
The "20,000" sold out is BS. There are the "forgotton 36" (refering the 36 US States), where people HAVE placed $99 reservations (I am one of them), and our "order date" is "Fall/Winter 2011". Those cars will be 2012 model years, and won't arrive until 2012. We all reserved on April 20th, but because we are not in the "chosen" states, we are second class citizens, and won't be getting our Leafs for over 1.5 years from placing a deposit. Nice job Nissan. for everyone who cancels or does not take delivery of their 2011 Leaf, Nissan will be sending those to rental agencys, that is the plan. even though many in the "forgotten 36 states" would like to be "early adopters", we can't be, because Nissan won't sell you the car, until they decide there is enough infrastructure and trained dealers in your area. There is also the matter of the "cold weather package" (batery heater, heated seats, mirrors and who knows what else), that won't be availble until the 2012MY, this is another reason there are so many states where people won't be able to order Leafs until the 2nd half of 2011, for delivery most likely in early 2012, probably made in the new TN plant, to save on shipping costs. Nissan will keep many of the Leafs from the Oppama plant for the JDM (Japan Domestic Market), because they simply make more money from them, with the way the currency conversion is going now, and the price being higher in Japan as well.