Well I got rear ended and I noticed fluid leaking from the crushed right rear bumper . I though it might be gasoline but it tasted like battery acid. This could be a costly repair problem. What a bummer. . I was told by the guy who towed the car that it was fixable . I probably will sell the car in the Spring. At least no one was hurt in the accident. FishHawk
I wouldn't be going around tasting unknown liquids. The odds of it being your HV battery are very low, esp. based on your description. If it IS a battery, it would be your 12v battery which is in the right-rear of the cargo cabin. Even then, since it is an AGM battery, it shouldn't be leaking much, if any, fluid.
I got the estimate back and the repairs will cost $6000 In MA if your rearended the person who did the rear ending will pay. FishHawk