Or, how about camping (tent or trailer), hiking, visiting National Parks and Monuments or state parks and walking a lot? Or do you think these traits are more common among SUVers and pickup drivers? Or cut across all strata?
About 3,000 miles per year for me on the 2-wheelers (combination of fat and skinny tire). Also, about 2,400 miles running.
I do not ride a bike but run around 2000 miles a year and do 10 - 15 marathons a year. Does that count as outdoorsy?? B)
Hmm, I like to ride my PEDAL bike a couple of times a year. My MOTORbike, however, gets anywhere from 4-6 thousand miles a year...
I bike about 50 miles a week in decent weather, fast-walk another mile-and-a-half per day. Between online sessions. :huh:
in college, i biked at least 50 miles a week, more near midterms and finals for stress relief. in grad school... um... i haven't biked as much due to the hot weather. i feel better knowing my undergrad advisor/bike guru didn't bike much when he was down south either. i think now that it should be cooling off (any day now, come on!) i'll be hitting the trails at duke forest again like last fall.
I'm 34 and go through a pair every 5 weeks. OK, quick math here.... I havent thought about this until you said that but - I go 10 days between fillups, thats 3.5 fillups in 5 weeks. average fillup cost here is $26.00. Thats 91.00 in gas. my shoes cost 119.00 a pair (130 with tax). Oh my goodness, my running shoes now cost MORE than my gas...... Houston, we have a problem..... :lol: Thats just hilarious!!
Hey KS_prius , what races are you doing, I bet we are at some of the same events. I met the guy at the Lake Tahoe marathon who had added additional batteries in his prius trunk area and was getting like 150 MPG. I also saw probably 5 - 6 other people there with Priuses, more than I have seen anywhere else in one area. I definately believe that there are more active people who drive one.... or maybe I just notice them more.
Squid, you're a certifiable head case! LMAO. Wish you'd post appropriate images on ALL the threads. (Please zing Doc Fusco at least once.) keeponrunning, you spend near $1,500 a year on running shoes? Cripes, I thought my wife had a habit... Best running/cross-training shoe?
OK, not to get TOO far off course here.... it's an individual thing but I like Saucony. Good company, amazing shoes, and never a single problem since I switched. The prius is going to allow me to go to more races now because driving was not an option in my old car due to high gas prices, and flying is a minimum of 250, no matter when or where your going once you fator in renting a car when you get somewhere and parking at where you left. Now I am planning on driving to almost every race I want to run in. Even a race 600 miles away will only cost me maybe 50 dollars or so in gas. Now I can spend the saved money on beer when I get there
"Hey KS_prius , what races are you doing, I bet we are at some of the same events." It sounds like you are out in California? I am in Kansas...I've been doing ultras between 50K-100K and adventure racing between ultras. Primarily in the Kansas, Missouri, Oklahama area.
This year I've done a 50km and a 50mile "tour". Plus a 7 mile kayak (/canoe) / 14 mile bike / 3 mile run triathelon. Plus lots of riding on my own (quite a few state trails in the area) I did bike to work twice (once on a weekend to test viability an once for real). I didn't do this until late in the season and now its too cold for me. I plan to do it more next year. Brian
Eveytime I get the urge to ride my bike or run a marathon... I take a nap until the urge goes away. Then, I go drive my Prius to work. -Paul R. Haller-
Weather permitting, I make my Trek 5200 a part of my daily commute. The bicycle fits in the back of the Prius very nicely. I drive 35 kilometers (22 mi) from home, park and continue on the bicycle for 14 kilometers (8.5 mi). I reverse the commute at the end of the day. On weekends, holidays and during summer I get up early (5:30 to 7:00 a.m.) and ride at least 45 kilometers (30 mi). I stay in shape, keep an optimistic attitude, pick up tax free money in the form of aluminum cans and model what I teach. Under the California Vehicle Code a bicycle is a vehicle with the same rights and responsibilities of any other vehicle. Uncommon sense dictates that you do not taunt stupidity and ride with all of your senses on full alert for inattentive ICE vehicles and drivers. I ride with caution - flashing tail light, helmet, gloves, SPD pedals and a well-maintained bicycle.
My new-ish bike (beach cruiser) won't fit in my current car unless I take it apart, and I anticipate that it will fit in my Prius when I get it. It has 2 flat tires, which I am unable to repair myself nor transport it elsewhere... Once it's fixed, and assuming it will fit in the Prius, I will likely ride it at least 2-3 times per week at various local biking trails and parks and of course the beach.