Actually...Their "overall" mileage is pretty close to mine. They get 44, I get 47. I'll haven't bolted a GPS to mine yet to ground truth what the "Dizzy-Whizz" is telling me, AND I only have 1100 miles in type. CR does not have a bad track record where objective testing is concerned - and I'm SURE that they used independent instrumentation. So far, CR's numbers are surprisingly close to mine. Speaking of drifting...I'll defer on the original question since: A. I only have 1100 miles in I can't opine with any authority, unless you want an 'outside looking in' view. B. Car choices are wildly subjective things. For some folks (like AT&T, for example) it makes perfect sense to get more than one of the same vehicle. For the average family it may not be the best choice. Good Luck with your decision!!!
At, I posted a link that talks about their test procedure vs. the pre-MY08 EPA test procedure.
I'd wait. When I got mine I liked it so much I really thought about getting another but waited to see if that waned. It did, so I'm ok now. I'd keep both of your old cars instead.
$15228 sticker for $13465 thats with $500 Toyota cash. some areas $1500 cash back!! Also W/2year service Toyota care!! Oil changes etc...... Power PKG, Cruise,Mats.
Wow that is a good price on a Yaris. Why somebody would not pick it over a SMART car is, well, not smart.
$500 a year MINIMUM in gas savings. keep the car for 10 years (i am betting gas will go up) and you have paid off the difference. now putting out more cash up front is generally makes payback longer, but interest rates are so low, it does not factor in that much. also great lease deals reduces your monthly and leaves you wide open to take advantage of technology upgrades in the future. to be honest with ya, my true recommendation; do what i am doing. buy a Prius (you have that done) and lease an EV and cut your gas bill in half.
My wife and I are asking the same question. However with our second vehicle being a Sienna Minivan, we will probably wait till we hear more about the new Prius MPV. We can keep the Sienna for a couple more years and enjoy Toyota trouble free performance and wait for the MPV designers to work the bugs out. We do need a vehicle that has lots of cargo space so let's see what the MPV brings to the table.
Since you're a 2-car family like mine, go for a Leaf (that's our plan in 2 years), but if you need to replace your 2nd car asap, go for a Prius in a very dif color: one red and one blue! I save $1,000/yr on gas, so why get a smaller car when the mid-size Prius will pay back its price premium in 5 years. You're making money every year after that.
You probably did a lot of research and determined the 2010 Prius was a great car. (My wife says I research the bejeebies out of stuff). Unless something better has come out (I don't believe it has although things are at least progressing in the right direction), I think it is still the best car for what it does so unless you need another boat hauler (SUV) or soccer mom car, it's the best daily commute car.