I have a generation II and one of my keyfobs will not work, the spare works. Do these things have a battery? If so how do you open the keyfob. I thought I was mechanically inclined, but after spending the last 15-20 minutes I am stumped on if this thing opens. Please help before I get drastic and use a BFH to open fob.
The procedure is explained in the Owners Manual. In the 2007 manual, it is in Section 2 on page 38-39, along with illustrations. It involves first removing the mechanical key, then sliding the cover off to expose the battery cover and its four tiny screws that must be removed to access the battery, which is a CR2032 lithium type.
Thanks, have manual in front of me now. BUT still the fob is not coming apart. Will keep at it. Got it apart. spilled coffee acts like glue FYI
The screws are a pain. I left mine out for the next time. The covers and interlocking/key holds everything together fine.
Did you have to re-program anything after swapping out the battery? Mine are probably due after 3 years -- in fact I've noticed that the range seems awfully short. I've already changed the 12V (for a much better Optima -- THANKS Prius Chat mmebers!), will do the fobs and then sacrifice a goat over the traction battery.
I replaced my first battery after 5 years with a Lithium matching the OEM description but that one is already fading. I can tell from the unlock signal range. No reprogramming necessary though