After struggling to come up with a convenient, cheap, efficient, cleanable, removable and available small trash container for my '04 Prius I decided to try a motel ice bucket. It fits beautifully between the console and the plastic shroud in front of it. I fastened it to the shroud with a chunk of velcro so it is easily removable if I need to get into the drawer under the console. It works well for me and thought I'd share the idea.
Why don't you use the drawer under the console itself as a trash container I am in the habit of disposing of trash after each trip . . . Just need a paper or plastic bag; oh, but thanks for the suggestion Oh, yeah, Velcro is very useful in the car in many ways. You can use it to tape to the kids' bottoms so they stay put in the back seat. I also use it on little boxes that contain basic emergency tools and parts in the trunk so they don't move back and forth all the time
Just don't rip off any motels in order to get a trash can for your car. I don't want my room tab to increase because other patrons steal motel property! Anyone know where those ice buckets are for sale?
Motel ice buckets are a disposable item, usually, unless you are staying at a 4-star or above establishment and then usually the liner is disposable and the bucket itself is part of the room furnishings. Ice buckets are disposable because once used they cannot be offered for use to another guest. It would be a pretty huge health code violation to do that. It would also be like Jack in the Box reusing the plastic drink cups they hand out to people. It is kind of gross and disgusting to think that the ice bucket in your room might have been previously used. .
That's what I've been doing as well. If I have a fast food lunch in the car, I just use the bag it came in. Otherwise, everything else is small enough for half the space in the door. Bottles and cans just stay in the holders until I get home.
I travel a lot. I stay at many low end hotels/motels. I have never seen a 'disposable' ice bucket. they all have liners that get replaced. And if it is a disposable one it likely wouldn't be sturdy enough for the proposed application. I'm with Spunky. Please don't steal
There an accessory for purchase. I’ve ordered from this guy before but in the last month have been charged via credit card; with no tracking number. He’s got cool stuff though! Sigma Automotive
davidstdy: did you order the dust box? I am curious if it is easy to install it on the US Prius and if it is actually usable.
Anyone who is concerned about the environment would not buy/borrow more plastic just to put trash in. Why not take a few of your plastic grocery bags keep them in one of the many storage spaces in the car and use them for trash. Easy enough?
yes, but then you are just getting more and more plastic because everytime you get your groceries you get a new plastic bag and then you put your trash in it and you dump it. Then you get another bag and so on. You could get one plastic container for your trash and just empty it out and reuse it for trash again. When you go to get your groceries you could bring a bag from home and have your groceries pack in it over and over again untill it breaks of course. I think that would be more environmentaly friendly. and of course you could be much more extreme than that
The ice bucket I'm thinking of was "acquired" by my parents a very long time ago. Probably over 20 years ago. It was a trash and "oh you feel sick, well stick your head in here and don't mess up my vehicle" container. It is just a square bin, no lid that is made of plastic and is about 1/16th inch thick. Very flimsy and by now somewhat brittle considering that the bucket is nearly as old as the car it resides in. I honestly don't travel a lot and when I visit friends I tend to just stay with them (more fun that way). Anyway, the last time I was in a hotel room, some time ago, I saw an ice bucket. It had a liner and a lid. There is no way I would steal one of those just for a trash bucket for my car. Too big, too heavy and very obviously for reuse, with the liners and such. But let's consider. A disposeable bucket, where the whole thing is eliminated after the guest departs is a lot more wasteful than just a plastic liner. But then again, over 20 years ago that wasn't much of a consideration.
No I never ordered it, I was afraid I'd kick the thing around too much. Plus it looks designed for right wheeled cars. It's an odd thing though. I did order the lower rear compartment organizer, can't wait to stop the rolling sounds back there!