Has anyone on this forum received one of these NAV KITS from Coastaletech.com? I've put in an order for one and I've even tried to contact them about WHEN I might get it, but I keep getting no response. I was wondering if this thing is an actual product or something the guy just made up to tease the Prius community...
try a forum search... I'm new here, and even I know that people have been having similar issues with CoastalTech
I've done a search, but no one has really mentioned HAVING the NAV Kit from them. (They've mentioned having other things from them)
That's because no one (to my knowlege) has received one. I've had mine orderded since last February (even before I got my car!) Some of their stuff (if they have it in stock) comes quickly. Other items, it seems, are just pie in the sky, wishful thinking. So far, I've received the auto door locks, mud flaps, and EV kit without a problem. You don't really need the NAV kit anyway since there is a screen key sequence you can enter to bypass the decreased functionality once the car is moving. The thing I really want is the Bluetooth enable component of the NAV kit.
Priuschef, Bionic suggested a forum search NOT to find info re: the nav kit, but to find out info about Coastaltech. If you search for Coastaltech, you'll find DOZENS of complaints about bad service, stories of months waiting for products, and tales of being lied to over the phone re: delivery times.
I ordered it as soon as it was announced and even received an e-mail response. I added the Bluetooth override but have heard nothing. I e-mailed asking which credit card I had used since one of mine that I requently used has a new expiration date--no response. I really don't care if I get it now since I use the screen override. I will be pleasantly surprised if it ever comes. I got my hitch receiver right away when I ordered that last year.
I'm pretty sure you'll see a thread with a title like: I GOT MY NAV OVERRIDE KIT!!!! I ordered one in April and haven't heard of anyone getting one yet.
Thanks alot! All I saw was "I GOT MY NAV OVERRIDE KIT!!!!" and my heart just about jumped out of my chest!
There was a cool graph someone posted comparing a company with real products and a company with only vaporware. It was lost in the forum database screwup, but was a great example of coastaletech. You will never get your nav kit. At least not from Coastal. Sorry. (ordered mine in April too)
If you go to their site and see the demo the date shown is November '04, amost a year ago. Too bad it's taking so long, but with the NAV override trick it isn't as necessary. If I had paid for it, I'd be mad. Like KathyY said, I'll be pleasantly surprised if it ever comes.