Okay, I see that after 10 posts you go from "Rookie Prius Poster" to "Prius Poster" and after 50 posts you go from "Prius Poster" to "Senior Prius Poster." How come, then, some people have cool statii like "Thread Killer" or "Pioneer Buyer"? I want mine to say "Almighty Ruler" or "Knight Who Says 'Ni!'" or something. I want to be unique like everyone else!
Well, Mr Tough Guy, looks like you've been demoted! Hehehe. No, actually I went in and changed Senior Prius Poster to be 100 posts so that it's a bit more of a goal to reach. I'm open to changing anyone's "Rank" if they want me to. Just post it here if you want anything different. Cybele earned the Thread Killer title because her posts would ward everyone else away from posting in the thread - she has that strange effect on people. Mybrid definitely earned the Emoticon Abuser rank - just check out some those posts Pioneer buyers are those who ordered way back when because they were Classic owners and were "pioneers" for the rest of us to get a Prius.
Those of us who actually got a certain delivery date would be considered Pioneer buyers. We screwed it up for the rest of ya when they converted to the allocation method :-P
Thanks for posting the movies I saw here http://www.j3iss.com/2004.prius.preview/ Very informative.. and all I have until my Prius is delivered. (on the list as of 2 days ago) Chris
hmmmmm....if it is only takes 10 posts to become a Prius Poster then how come I am still a Rookie Poster?....supposedly I have 16 or so. Is it how may posts over a specific time? Or is it really 20 post to Prius Poster. shona
I may be a Pioneer Buyer, but I still consider myself a Rookie Poster. We purchased our Classic in October 2001. After 50,000 miles, we are days away from driving off with our Salsa Red '04 Bob
I heard that there are only so many "Prius Poster" titles available, and the demand has so far exceeded the current production schedule. Right now the wait is 5-6 months, with some people reporting up to a year wait. If you really want the title that badly, I'd recommend contacting as many of the moderators as you can and request to be put on their waiting list.