Ok, I've added the ability to tell everyone's gender now - I know it's been hard for me sometimes to be like, "Yeah, nice one, man, er, girl, er, you!" Now it'll be easy to tell Everyone please go into your profile and select your sex. ...And no, an option is not "Often."
I prefer not to succumb to gender roles and the assumptions they bring with them. I don't feel that one can learn anything about me by my gender, well, other than the obvious
:tongue: (I was looking for batting eyelashes but they dont have it here, this is the next best thing except maybe either this :angel: or this :twisted: ) woohoo now I am a Prius Poster
Hmmm...so you use your "name" as your username? How many female Pauls are there out there??? Wait a minute, who was it I talked to on the phone last night - you or your "wife"? [Cue XFiles music...]