I have a couple of questions: 1. How would I go about getting my black prius wrapped in vinyl to get the matted look? Any suggestions on how to find a place to get it done? How much am I looking at spending for a really good job? 2. What size rims will fit on a 2010 Prius II? I was thinking about upgrading the rims to anything between 15"-17" but I'm not sure the width I can go up to. Just trying to see what my options are. p.s. off the top of my head I had spoon sports rims and some volks in mind. Thanks for the help! Tai.
Also, does anyone know of a website where i can go to see how certain rims look on the prius? I'm going for a certain look without having to lower the car but I'm not sure exactly how to achieve it.
Grab some 320 Grit sandpaper from Home Depot... wait my bad... haha I mean Lowes and sand the crap out of that car : P Really I never heard of this before.. someone taking a shiny car and turning it dull. I don't think it's possible unless you basically strip the paint and paint over it again or... you can do something really cheap called foil stickers for your car... either way for a professional job i'd just repaint the thing
Tirerack.com. However, as far as I know, they stopped carrying Volks and some of the other JDM-esque wheels.
1. ask any import tuner type shop, they'll know where to point you....prices seem all over the place but matte wrapping a car isnt so unheard of these days. 2. Generally speaking, any 5x100 wheels will work from 15"-19". Offset and width will factor in as well....the pros and cons of upsizing are numerous and discussed all over this forum 3. Tirerack.com or photoshop
Is this what is meant by a "car wrap"? There's a sign on a building a couple of blocks from where I live and it says "car wraps." I had no idea what that was. To show you how dumb I am, I initially misread the sign and thought it was some weight loss place where they wrap you up in plastic wrap and let you sweat it out. I'll try to get some information. Dumb Mike
I second tirerack.com as a good starting point for rim visualization. I haven't seen the flat black wraps, but search google images for pics/sites, some terms are 'satin black' or 'matte black' or 'hot rod black' or 'rat rod black'. There tends to be a pure love/hate relationship with the paint style. Some cars look AMAZING with it, while others, well, notsomuch. I'd love to have it on my truck, but too scared to attempt it since my truck takes much abuse. There are some amazing half satin/half gloss pics out there, but I need more posts before I can post a picture, heh. Eric