This is 90 percent highway and get ready for the kicker..... in "NORMAL" mode!! Conditions all week have been sunny, low humidity, temps between 50-85 degrees. Roads about 75 percent flat with some rolling hills. Average city/highway speed was between 47-51 mph, however I cruise between 58-67 mph. Here is another kicker.... it beat my old tank record of 58.7 in *ECO* mode. This comes with 24,000 miles on the car. PS - Tire pressure is 38 front, 36 rear. 80 miles round trip.
Great FE. Bet it puts a smile on your face! I was down in Washington state yesterday and notice the price went up to $3.25 per gal.. It is getting up there again. H
Great stuff! It's always awesome to hit new FE milestones with the car. (Sounds like nice virtual weather there in Tron City. Say hello to Sam if you see him.)
You got me there... Car calculated at 59.1 I calculated 58.0 at the pump. still not bad for *normal* mode. The car usually calculates 1-2.3 mpg on the positive side on average (below 55 mpg) and strangely close within 1 mpg when I get above 55-56+ mpg. Don't know why? Anyone else noticing this behavior on their car? Too many varibles for me.
I just filled up - Prius Gen III said I got 49.7mpg on the tank but I traveled 420 miles on 9 gallons (46.7 mpg). Does this mean I need to recalibrate the tires???
Jeff, the Prius computer vs. hand calculated can vary from time to time. I would suggest tracking your mpg over at least 5+ tanks. I wager the difference between the computer and your hand calculations will be minimal. If the difference is large then you can look into options to correct it.
Pretty lame response since the use of the air conditioner wasn't even mentioned in your OP. You were making a big deal over the supposed difference between "normal" and "ECO" driving modes in your attained MPG when you said: --------- "This is 90 percent highway and get ready for the kicker..... in "NORMAL" mode!!Here is another kicker.... it beat my old tank record of 58.7 in *ECO* mode." ------- So here is another kicker for you. All else being equal you can achieve the exact same MPGs in all three driving modes depending on........(kicker time) your foot.
Let me frame this lame response. LOL!!! Generalizing is easy is easy to do, but the fact is most Toyotas come with a/c.
Dude, what is wrong with you? I'll be glad to discuss the effect of using the air conditioner on Prius MPGs. Before I do you need to show me where you referenced that effect in your original post I was responding too. Until you do its nothing more than a straw man thrown in because you couldn't respond to my original point. Here is your original post.
Dude, discuss it with someone who cares about your posts. I don't. Moderator, feel free to lock this at any time. I still enjoy the awesome mpg of our Prius and look forward to hearing from others on PC as they break new mpg barriers.
:lock1: :lock1::lock1: I agree lock it., But here's the kicker. You can choose the POWER lock, the NORMAL lock or the ECO lock. They all get the job done.
Jburns, I hold out an olive branch here. I believe what you were saying here is that since each mode is simply a different accelerator mapped mode, that your foot (the drivers efficency) controls the mpg no matter what mode your in. If so, I would agree to a point. However, correct me if I'm wrong, dosen't ECO mode also reduce A/C compressor time? That was the reason I brought up A/C because I believe there was more to ECO than just mapping. Make sense?
I never wanted to get into a fuss in any case so I'll gladly accept the olive branch. Shaken, not stirred. Yes, ECO does play around with the AC a bit. However under the conditions you listed, 90% highway and moderate temps, any change would be negligible. Peace.