Seems that overwhelmingly, folks have the BP as the color here on the forum. Oh sure, I see a few of the other colors, but BP dominates. Is this because Toyota made so many more of this color, or some other reason? Sure is beautiful. Just curious, sandy
Seems that overwhelmingly, folks have the BP as the color here on the forum. Oh sure, I see a few of the other colors, but BP dominates. Is this because Toyota made so many more of this color, or some other reason? Sure is beautiful. Just curious, sandy REPLY: Actually, I think Toyota just wanted the extra $220. It was my only choice, but I like blue & red also...........
It's definately the most available in my neck of the woods. I drove by my dealer the other day. He had 10 Prius' lined up at the entrance --7 where white. Perceived or otherwise, I think not only Toyota but all other corporations believe that is the color everybody wants so thats what gets sprayed. Just count the next ten cars that drive by. Most, if not silver, are white.
Sure does, but pearl coats from any manufacturer cost more. There may be a rare instance it doesn't but for the most part yes they do. $220 is actually quite low. I had an 03' Acura which was pearl white and back then it was something like over $600 extra. And the Blizzard Pearl beats it hands down! Most have a yellow tint to them I don't like, the Blizzard Pearl is actually quite white, my favorite color.
For some reason, Blizzard Pearl makes the car look like a completely different car compared to one with another color. I am not one who cares for the look of the Prius, but the Blizzard Pearl color really makes a difference. Purely psychological, I know.
It's like fashion, white is in, grey is out for this year. Coupla years ago it was charcoal grey. It's not just hot for the Prius, it's pretty much for all makes of cars. B4 I bought the Prius, I considered the Mercedes B-200 so I went to the Mercedes dealership and saw 2 B-200 sold, both in white. The salesman told me if I want a white, I'd have to order it and wait for at least a month.
Blizzard Pearl, Classic Silver and Winter Gray are the most common colors on the lots and road. Sandy Beach, Barcelona Red, Blue Ribbon and Black are not as common.
Metallic Gray was pretty popular on the Gen2 Prius - it had a lot of nice metal flake in the paint. Then some genious came along and said, let's take the metal flake out, make it plain Gray. No offense, but I don't like it.
Here in Ontario, I've seen Gen II and III Prii in all colours except Red. The most common colour (or the lack thereof) is Blizzard White. The Barcelona Red is so off red it's more like purple/pink? so nobody likes it?
Back in June/July here in northern New Joisey, when I was doing my car shopping, the most common color seen at 5 different dealers was Silver. There was a good spread of Red, Blue, Black and Grey as well. I had only run across 4 White and 1 Sandy Beach out of all 5 lots. Of the 4 Whites 1 was a IV with Solar, 1 was a stripped II, and 2 were IIIs with Nav (both at the same dealer) The IIIs were identical (Nav/Bisque/applique/cargo rug) but for 1 of them having the $60 wheel locks option. I bought the one sans locks (got a new OEM set on eBay for $20 shipped) I REALLY wanted a Sandy Beach with a Dark Grey interior, but that combo wasn't produced, and the only other SB out of the 5 stores was a loaded IV (too much $). The Blizzard Pearl really does make the car look "different". I can't say that I've seen more than a handful of other BPs in my travels since I bought mine, and I've yet to see a BP V in person.
Blizzard Pearl seems like an elegant neutral color - not making a bold statement and not quite totally dull. The other available color options seem rather bland. Keith
Hey now! Gray is still in! Ok, maybe, maybe not. White has always been clean, has always been popular. It's also easier to match modifications with. TOTALLY agree here Mr. 6-2. To me, the new Winter Gray kind of looks like a block of clay.
In Canada you can only get the tan interior with red which I do not like or it would have been on the list