I have had my Prius for about a week and have really enjoyed driving it. I especially enjoy the radar controlled cruise control with 1 caveat. After engaging cruise control, if I try to increase the set speed by holding up the lever the car rapidly accelerates. Releasing the lever does not stop the acceleration. The car continues to accelerate until I either hit the brake or press the on/off button at the end of the lever. The same thing happens when I try to decelerate by holding the lever down as the car brakes and continues to brake when I release the lever. This is not an intermittent issue. It happens consistently. I have made an appointment for service, but would like to hear from other 2010 Prius V owners whether or not this is common. Thanks!
You have the infamous Steve Wozniak cruise control problem that isn't a problem. Don't worry about it, he couldn't figure it out either till the dealer explained how it worked. If you look in the manual, you'll see an explanation. Sorry, I don't have it in front of me, but basically, if you hold it up for the long periods you are describing, it starts going up in bigger chunks, and it treats it as several individual inputs. Since there's a delay between the input and the response, you are suddenly going great guns when you finally let go, because that's in essence what you told it to do. The solution is of course to step on the brakes. You avoid the problem by going up in increments (don't hold the stalk up for so long), or by using the pedal to accelerate to speed and then reset. Someone else can chime in with he details, and/or to correct me.
Tap it once up/down and the CC increase/decrease by 1 unit; hold it 2+ seconds (up/down) and it increase/decrease by 5 units; hold it continuously changes the CC speed settings to the extreme max/min jumping by 5 units. You should watch the CC set speed display to see what speed you're actually setting it. Don't just set it blindly. It's similar to setting your alarm clock, hold the button and it goes all the way untill you stop. You might be impatient to feel that the Prius is not responding to your change of CC setting so you keep holding the CC stick thinking it will respond faster. Well your wish is the Prius' command, except that you just wanted the Prius to change speed incrementally, while the Prius received your command as extreme change in the speed setting. Now if you didn't HOLD the CC stick for more than 2 seconds and it still goes extreme, go visit the dealership.
The DRCC works a little differently than the standard Toyota cruise control (and if you turn on the standard cruise on your Prius V, you'll see it works the way you remembered). For the DRCC, ACC/DEC functions actually work in multiples of 5. For example, if you set your speed at 63mph and you tap the cruise stalk up, it'll round up to 65mph. If you tap it again, it'll go to 70mph. This is the reason why you accelerated so hard... the car was increasing in increments of 5mph instead of 1mph with the standard cruise control. The set cruise control speed can be found in the MID.
When I use DRCC, pressing ACC/DEC once will increase/decrease the set speed by 1 mph. I've always adjusted my speed by tapping up/down on the stalk, resulting in 1 mph increments. I've witnessed what the OP described before I figured out the display. I ended up holding ACC until the car responded, by then it started taking off and I immediately turned off cruise control. But once I figured out the display, it all made sense.
I did. It says "Hold the lever until the desired speed setting is displayed". I assumed they meant on the speedometer. And I defy anyone to go from 60 to 70 without overshooting. Sorry, I still believe that this is a very dangerous feature. Also, I do know about ticking it up 1 MPH at a time which is very handy and necessary.
I did this once or twice myself before figuring out what was going on. It's doubly surprising when you are messing with it while still obstructed by another car and then the obstruction goes away when one or the other cars changes lanes. Now that I know, it's not a problem. However, I agree with cobra's suggestion in the other thread that the speed being set could somehow be made more obvious (i.e., idiot proof), perhaps on the speedometer (as cobra suggested).
np. Just let go of the stalk once the number on the screen is at the speed you want to be at and let the car catch up to it. Also note the correction that indyV below Yup, my mistake. Yes hold the stalk for 5mph increments.