I am installing rear view camera and avic-z110bt. avic-z110bt has a function which enables rear view in map mode. So you can watch rear view during driving in map mode. My camera has RCA video out and 12V power input. Instruction manual says connect power to back light lead. But in this case, how rear view in map mode works? Should I connect camera power to ACC power instead? If I connect camera power to back light lead, camera will be only on when back light is on. Any thought? Thank you
If I connect it to ACC, will it shorten camera life? Or will it be ok? My camera spec says power comsumption is no more than 300mA
You can also connect the power to the blue (I believe) power wire to the rear wiper. It is on when the car is on - but very easy to get at...
I just got a rear view camera, but did meet the same problem for installation, I did cost a lot of time. Did try to connect the power cable with the same color, still unworkable.