When I say gas guzzler - that would include the Prius . It was good for its time, but time to move on.
I just got a 2nd Prius after liking my wifes so much. I do however have a 3rd car which is my Trans Am.
Those of us who do upwards of 200 miles daily cannot rely on electric cars at the moment. When the range of the electric cars is expanded, if the price is kept down, they will sell lots of them...
I've had a similar experience as the OP. I got the Prius as my commute car and my wife took the older car. (I'm cheap -- it was my first new car in 12 years.) After a few months, though, my wife really liked the Prius so it's now called the "weekend car". I rarely see my Prius on Saturday or Sunday anymore!
+1 go for Black, slam it, 18" wheels, full tint, killer stereo. Then get vanity plates: JEKYLL and HYDE
I wonder what was SO offensive about my previous post that it's just disappeared. Anyway... The implications of an EMP or solar flare/storm of the 19th century intensity (as forecast by NASA for 2011/12) entail obliteration of the computing systems of all modern vehicles (admittedly, the Prius would also be similarly affected by a dwindling oil supply, though less devastating than an EMP). It's impossible to have contingency plans for every conceivable probability.
I have considered the implications of not being employed in my current position, which would entail significant financial loss..... In other words, "I do what I gotta do."
Heh... same with us! Mine's the red; my partner's is the blue. We got them both in July, and the newness isn't wearing off at all. Oh, and we have the iphone thing going on too, although I still have the original iphone because I'm holding out for the (ever-elusive) white.