Just purchased an 05 with 82K in great shape. I am wondering about the package it has and i just guessed when registering. It seems like the base model hence no smart key and nav but thats fine for me. I am a car guy from way back and own an LS430 and Evo IX. I got my Prius for one reason MPG since i drive a lot and plan for it to pay for itself far sooner than most. I am intrigued by this car and plan to like my other cars due most all of the maintenance. It came with goodyear fuel max tires that are about half worn and I have driven it 125 miles and have avg 53mpg most short trips under 10 miles.I cant wait to get back to work and see what kind of mileage I can get.Nasty car accident has me at home for a few weeks.
Welcome to 50mpg in a midsize package! Remember to play at hypermiling when you're not surrounded by annoyed drivers. I commute at 75mph and still get 51mpg! This rocks!
yeah I noticed that between 63-66mph I was getting over 55mpg close to 60 and had much higher instant mpg that at 55mph. It must be because here in Dallas the freeways have slight inclines and declines which allowed more coasting at the 60+ than 55. I love the car almost as much as my Evo but in a totally different way.I must have the base model thanks well less stuff to go wrong I guess
I just bought a used 07 with 98k on it already. I'm pretty sure I have the base package, but it has both the start key and power everything, so I'm not so sure. Maybe it's because my other car was an old '99 neon basically held together by hopes and dreams, but my Prius is the single nicest car I have ever driven. Hands down. Even with the nearly 100k mileage. Traditionally my family owned Hondas if we didn't get an American car (redneck relatives get angry if it's foreign) - but this car drives and feels BETTER than any Honda my family has owned! I've only had it for a week now, so I'm still feeling things out, but I'm a huge techie so hypermiling is my ultimate goal!
If I interpret you literally, I find it funny that your relatives actually care what car you get. There must not be much going on in MO. Anyways, I'm glad you love it. You probably got it for a great price. :welcome:
Hey man, so you have a E85-tuned Evo IX? Let me guess - turboback, 1000 or 850cc injectors, and at least some hard pipes? I'm leaning E85 on my IX, but I'm a little embarassed to have a stock-ish car given that I'm basically in AMS' backyard. Enjoy the Prius. It sounds strange, but if you put performance tires on it, it's got a similar stable ride at speed as the Evo (I run ADVAN AD08s on Volk CE28Ns on my Prius).
yes fic 1050's and a whole lotta other things back to my prius which I use for work I have averaged in order 52(first tank) then 57 then on my 3rd tank 414 miles 64.09!!! and on my current tank I'm at 60(mfd) at 360 miles. It is very easy for me now to get 60 by gliding and anticipating stops and keeping the car on between stops and I'm using the motor very little around town below 40mph and charging the battery by coasting when I can. Thing thing that blows my mind is in slow traffic I can avg 100 its so awesome I love this freaking car!
Welcome. Check out the 2005 Prius eBrochure and the following thread for a description of what's standard and what's in each option package: 05_prius.pdf http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...andard-optional-equipment-some-countries.html Also, it's always handy to have a copy of the Owner's Manual in a PDF file. You can do word and phrase searches, and usually find what you're looking for a lot quicker than looking through the hard copy manual which is poorly organized and poorly indexed: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-2005-prius-owners-manual-pdf-all-in-one.html .
apparently I have package 1 since I have the side curtain airbags which is really cool for the safety of my kids and me.