Hi All -- I have an '07 Prius with 34K miles. I love it. Warranty just ended this summer, but I haven't had any problems (knock on wood). The dealer is offering me nearly $15K trade-in on the '07 and a $22K price (not incl. tax/tags/destination fees) on a Prius II base package. Is it worth upgrading? I don't "need" a new car, and I'm happy with the one I got... but I'm thinking it might be worth the trade in just to get the new warranty/new car. I kinda like the backup camera, which is no longer an option in base models, but that's not necessarily a deal-breaker for me. In any case, I'd love to get some opinions here on both the prices being offered and whether or not it's a worthwhile upgrade. Thanks!
If there is nothing wrong with your 07, it's probably not worth it. This is obviously a want more than a need, and only you know your personal finances and can make the call as to the "worth" of a new car. The Gen 3 certainly is nice, and I just traded an 07 Truck and sold an 07 car, neither had anything wrong with them... But the truck only got 16 mpg and sat in the garage more than it was on the road and the car (Honda Fit) was pretty cramped. The Prius is now my daily driver and I'm certainly enjoying the 53 mpg it's getting!
Nytimes look at it this way: You only die once. If that back up camera prevents a single mortality, it was really worth it to the poor soul that you could have run over. And while you’re driving around with a little more debt, you'll have the satisfaction of a new look and a “new car smell” to enjoy for a little while. But lastly, new cars are nice. I know this from experience. If you want it, just manipulate the numbers to justify it. I've done that my whole life and it works well to attain what I want. However, it doesn't necessarily result in the best return on investment; but I fool myself as needed. Please let us know what color you get.
I had a '07 with 27,000 miles on it and traded it in July, 2009 on the new Gen III. Don't regret it a bit. Love the Gen III.
That sounds like a good deal to me. If you have the money do it!! The GENIII is the best Prius yet!! You will be more than happy:thumb: fstr911 is right on!!
Are there still a lot of bugs in the GenIII? Thanks to everyone who's replied so far, it's all very helpful. Still not sure which way I'm leaning...
If you like the 07 Prius, keep it. You'll have $10k more in your pocket. I have every reason in the world to trade-in or sell my 2009 - I'm 6'2" with loooong legs. Every drive is noticeably awkward and uncomfortable. I like things about the car, but overall, don't like it. But, I'm holding out long as possible with this economy even though I could sell and pay cash for a new 3rd Gen. But why blow away savings? Keep the 07, it's only a car and you like it.
Backup camera is awfully nice to have in a Prius. Really tough to judge distance behind the car. I wouldn't get a new one w/o the camera, so that means a III w/nav.
Simple Answer is no. Complicated is, do you want to spend the money for the upgrade? You don't mention what you owe either. It is your money but I'd opt for the simple answer.
To the OP, There was a thread about this about a year ago. The consensus was that the dealer's offer is a scam. You get 15k dollars and they turn around and sell your car for 17-18k. 22k isn't even a good price for a base Gen III. Dealers use this ploy all the time. Especially given the fact you like your Gen II, I advise you hang up on the dealer. Even if you really were to sell your car I recommend doing so through A private sale. Many newbies here have proven they don't know what they're talking about. They're still googly-eyed.
Sell the car outright since the "STEALERSHIP" will rob you blind, unless you have money stashed under your mattress or in the freezer, or you just have deep pockets with money to burn.
The OP asked if the 07 was worth trading on the dealer's terms. Not if the Gen III is better. :tsk: I swear, the PC members who are saying keep it are not new to this forum.
Thanks -- I'm noticing that. Also, the idea that the '07 is a rougher ride doesn't bother me since as "rough" as it is, I do love the car. The roughness is certainly not noticeable to me. I think the only reason I would consider upgrading is the probably irrational fear that my car, now out of warranty, could suffer a pricey breakdown... but I do have bumper-to-bumper mechanical coverage through GEICO so I guess I shouldn't worry so much about that. Strongly leaning towards keeping the '07. The car's been very good to me.
While i love my 2010 Prius, it's obvious that Dealers aren't in business to be nice to you. But the 2010 is improved in many ways over the older Prius. I really like this Edmunds.com car review video:
i'm in the same boat, except with an 08. i have a price on a 10' thru the net, i just have to get to the dealer for an offer on mine. they won't guarantee bluebook until they see it. i just can't seem to pull the trigger for some reason. i havn't even driven a '10 yet. and i really want a phev. decisions, decisions.
Bisco, did you go to the dealer first, or did they come to you first? There is a big difference. If you buy a 2010 make sure you get a hefty discount. Even the dealers in my area are still taking $1000-2000 off MSRP (That is why I said $22k for a base model wasn't even such a good deal). In any case, I don't recommend you sell your 08 to the dealer. Dealers just never give you a fair shake. Find a hybrid or Toyota fanatic who know the true value of our cars. Go private sale.
i initiated email with 3 dealers. best price on a III was a little better than $4,000. off msrp. didn't mention the trade. i know selling it privately would be much more lucrative, but my time is also worth quite a bit. it's not a money thing for me, my daughter has my old 04' with 75,000. miles and does a lot of night driving in very rural area's. i would prefer she had my 08' with 20,000 and i wouldn't mind a 10' until the phev comes out. i know it doesn't make financial sense, but i don't spend money on much else.
Cool. There is nothing wrong with selling your car to the dealer as long as you are well-informed of others options, and have weighed those options carefully. Seems like you've thought plenty about this. I just don't want anyone making bad decisions based on misinformation or dealer chicanery.