Hi Y'all! :cheer2: I been thinking about geting one of these cars for my daughter she is goinj to Texas A&M next year. First person in our family with long suthern heritage to go to more school than high school! I am not up onj these type of cars. If it is not a truck then I'm not so smart. Or a tractor. To be honest I never thoght I would be buying one of these because it goes aganst my beliefs but the politic right now in the contry makes me think oil will be gone soon. I don't know how a battery in a tractor would do but I will cross that brige when I get there. So I just want to say hi while I look around the website. Good bye.
Hello and welcome! There is a lot of good information on here to read over. I think the Prius would be an ideal car for a college student. Well y'all come back ya here.
I not so sure about A&M will have a outlet to plug the car into or spare battery. I also have a concern bout the boys there tryin to run over the car and such with pickups. Heck I would do that to before I realize the oil is leaving. I bet TU has some charging outlet but my hard erned money won't ever go to those commies in Austin. No offense of course this is a free country and all. Yea I am looking around at all the cool informatin on the website. I'm kinda new at this thing my boyu helped me set up the account here and even found a neat picture for my avtar. I like chaka but Land of the lost cant be true because the earth is only a few thousand year old. :rockon:
My folks picked out my first car for me and I was paying for it. My uncle sold volvos. Set max price for your daughter and let her pick the car she wants. She can kick tires from the Gulf to the Ok. border. Sit and spin -- she will always remember you fondly. Don't limit her choices to a prius -- great cars --- but she may want something different. Safety - reliable- price-economy- -- lots of candidates.
:welcome: I am knew hear also. Giving a girl a car and letting them drive is against my beliefs. But each to there own. I don't own a prius yet either. I am looking in the market. Not sure but is this car a 110 or 220 outlet? I do not want to purchase the thing and have to buy one of those weird 220 plugs.
As you read you will find out that the Prius does not need to be plugged in. Unless you get the PHEV model of course. I can understand the concern about the knobs that lash out at the car. There have been a few on here that have had problems. I think that perception is dying out a bit though. I didn't have a clue about it until after I bought mine and read stuff on here. Of course this is Alaska.