Study: BMW drivers are UK's angriest motorists — Autoblog Hmmm.... long ago (and still?) there was this similar stereotype of BMW drivers in the US but I think SUV drivers have taken over that spot. It's interesting that "white van" is #2. When I think of "white van" in the US, I think of [ame][/ame].
This must be an outdated article. BMW's are no longer the nasty, ignorant, rude, selfish drivers that they used to be. That dubious honour should now go to Audi drivers. Whereas the best drivers in the UK are of course the courteous, considerate, careful taxi drivers :lie:
Living here in L.A., I have observed that BMWs do not appear to have turn signals. That's a serious flaw in my book! I sure wouldn't buy a car without turn signals. ;-)
To be fair, they're prob bitter to be stuck in traffic so much of the time. A BMW is a "Driver's Car", but the commuting reality is that a BMW can stretch its legs only 20% of the time, whereas the Prius is excellent 80% of the time.
On this note, there was this (old) piece of humor about a BMW indicator (signal) recall: Photo. It has some NSFW language.