I just wanted to let everyone know who is on the market for tires there is a great deal on Michelin Energy Savers. This price is for the 195 60 15 size which will fit on our G2 rims. The price is $97 + $10.50 Shipping - $70 rebate and no tax. Strangely the 185's are $20/ tire higher. John
utqg (hardness) 480. Hankook utqg 700. Last longer. Tread on Michelin 9/32 Hankook 11/32. I have both on different cars. Hankook are lasting longer and I believe more all weather, just as quiet. $69. Family Tire in CA buy 3 get one free. (my .02cents). Lots of postings and opinions on tires.
What is the dfference in mileage between your 2 vehicles? I would suspect a lot since the Hankook is not a LRR tire.
One is my kids but I drove it for a while with the new tires. It takes about 10kmi to recover the mpg on either. With the varying temp we've had it's been hard to measure mpg. Both appear the same within 2mpg on a tank fill driving them as I do same place same time same air psi. The hankook I believe handle better in the rain but even that's subjective. LRR has not played a big difference except summer months I notice 6mpg difference but that again could be gasoline or maintenance schedule related. Even with new LRR mpg dropped at first vs old Goodyear oem. I chose the hankook h727 because of hardness and also good ratings. I'm pleased which is all I care about
600 UTQG and it is $72. TireRack test result looks pretty good: Eco-Friendly All-Season Tires — How Does Performance Measure Up?
Here's a couple links (both given before on other threads) that are worth checking. First, a look at tires based on performance and efficiency (MPG): When round and black becomes lean and green. A comparison based on user feedback: Consumer Survey Results By Category Only has one Hankook, doesn't have the Michelin Energy Saver A/S on there (not enough user reviews), but it looks like the Energy Saver would rank about #5 on the list if the 18 reviews are representative. I did the research, like the numbers on the Michelin Energy Saver A/S for mileage, snow handling, noise, braking distance. I bought a set a few weeks ago (at a higher price, it was approaching $600 for 4 tires installed and out the door), and they've been working great for me. Mileage is important to me, but these tires had no compromises because of it (other than rated at lower life of 48K miles, which for me is at least 5 years). On the first tank my mileage improved noticeably (need to see if that continues on the next tanks).
Update: I just ordered a set of Michelin Hydroedges 195 60 15 from discounttires.com for $102/ piece + rebate. I'll be driving a ton beginning next month (120 miles/ day) so the 90K warranty will come in handy. We'll see how they do.
We just put Hankook 727's on my wife's '01 a couple months ago. Too early to tell, but seems about a 2-3 mpg hit over the old bald Bridgestones. They are nice tires though, smooth & quiet, good in rain, we'll see about snow soon enough. The price was right, $230 for 4 after rebate shipped to my door from Gripston Tire.