My 4 month old Prius 2010 is not starting since this morning. My wife drives the Prius and when she tried to start it this morning, it would not start. The MFD lights up and all the symbols stay lighted rather than turning off. My wife tried it 5-6 times, but to no avail. She tried to start the car this afternoon and the same problem. I only had this car for 4 months and i cannot understand what is happening. To be clear, my wife drives this car regularly to take my son to school and various other activities. This is the first time that we have this issue and i was just wondering if the 12v battery is the issue.
it won't "start"? they don't really start. what happens when you hit the power button with your foot on the brake then put it in R ?
When the power button is hit with the foot on the brake, the MFD panel lits up with all the warning lights. Under normal conditions, they should turn off after the hybrid system is started. Then the Prius logo lights up and then the ready sign comes up. That is not happening. All the warning lights stay on. The power button lights remains in amber or orange which ever color it is. It does not turn green.
While i understand that leaving a light on happens, that is not the case here. And i am pretty sure of it. I park my Camry besides my Prius when i come back from work and i check my Prius to make sure that no lights are left on. As you said, it might be a bad 12v. I am sure this is covered under warranty. I will have to call my dealer and find out what needs to be done. Or if it can be jump started.
When you press your foot firmly on the brake do the brake lights come on? If not really press hard on the brake till the brake lights come on. Then try to hit the power button
Does the READY light come on, left side of instrument cluster. If it does not the car is not on even though the display and all the lights are on. As mentioned above you have to put your foot on the brake then push the power button to go into READY. Some cars left the factory (mine for one) with the brake light switch adjusted to far down and you have to push pretty hard to get into READY. If that is your problem the dealer should be able to adjust it for you in about 5 minutes or you can find the procedure on this site and do it yourself. If the the ready light is on and it still can't be driven you have a more serious problem and need the dealer to fix it for you. I would think if all the lights and the display come on the 12V battery is not the problem, but I'm not sure about that. You could check it just by turning on the headlights and see if they are nice and bright.
Spenumasta, I've had the same intermittent problem with my car. In my case, my 12 volt battery is unable to hold a charge. It has enough juice to fire up the car in the morning, and after my hour long commute, it is fine. But, over the course of the day, the charge dissipates and then it is low again. I've measured this on the MFD screen as well as using a voltmeter on the battery terminals. When it happened last (yesterday), I measured the voltage on the MFD screen and came up with 9.1 Volts (not good for a 12 volt battery). I had the hatch open when I tried starting it (because I was wiping down the exterior windows and I wanted the car to go through its "warm up" cycle while I was clearing the windows. I powered down and restarted with the hatch closed. It started up fine. I'm thinking even having the lights on was causing enough of a drain to prevent the car from booting up. I have had it happen where a couple of boots won't get the car boot up, but it would boot up eventually. I'm sorry I can't give you a solution to your problem, but you aren't alone with OEM battery issues. I'll be taking mine back to the dealer, but I want to make DARN sure the battery is low enough that they replace it under warranty, rather than's low, but still within parameters.
Actually, about a month ago, one Saturday night I was looking for something in both of my cars and accidently left both of the cars' all interior lights on until Tuesday morning when I started my suzuki SUV (barely new). And of course it didn't start. The battery was completely dead! So I thought, "Oh great, if this normal car's battery's dead, I'm sure Prius's 12V battery is even more dead." So I nerviously started the prius thinking it either won't start or the battery will be way low after being drained with almost all lights on for 2 days. But, not only the prius started with no problem, it still had more than 5 bars of battery! So, I realized once more the great quality of my Prius while I was calling Suzuki road side assistance to come and jump start my Suzuki!
The battery bars show the charge state for the High Voltage Battery, and don't convey any information about the charge condition of the smaller 12 Volt battery which "starts" the car. The 12 volt battery must be measured with an external voltmeter or by using the test mode on the MFD. See this thread for details on test mode and much information on the 12 volt system:
No. I tried it and it would not work. I even tried the procedure that Toyota mentions in its manual (page 539) where you can get it working and that did not work either.
To make the story short, i had the Prius towed to the dealer last night after various attempts to start the car ( if that is the right word). When i press the start button, all the symbols on the MFD would light up. What i also noticed is the very faint sound of the electic motor trying to start and then stopping. I do not know if that makes a difference. I am not sure what the issue is. The dealer will call me this morning and will have to see what he says. If the 12v is the problem, I cannot believe that the 12v battery would die so qiuck.
Even brand new batteries can have problems--I had a brand new 1998 Mercedes, dead short only under load. It would test fine on a meter, but when they tested it under load they found the short.
It might be a bad 12v like others have said and I have to agree with Jim that yeah, sometimes brand new batteries have issues. You might have gotten that one out of the million. Let's hope it's that 'simple' and this afternoon you'll have a happy, peppy Prius. Keep us posted.
Sometimes? Look at Sony and all their major recalls...batteries are certainly not free from risk of manufacturing defects (like anything else).
Update on this issue.. Got my car back yesterday afternoon. The issue was that the battery discharged completely. The Toyota dealer had the battery tested and it was holding the charge. They even tested the battery if anything else was discharging the battery. I was told that the only way it could have happened is if anything was left on. The headlights, the interior lights, door not properly shut, the back door hatch not properly locked. I can guarantee that nothing was left on. As i said before, i check the car every evening. I am baffled at why it happened. Anyway, the good news is that the battery is fine. I also took a copy of the diagnostic tests that they did and i was wondering if anyone here can point out if i need to look at anything specific in those results that might shed light on what happened. I can scan the papers and upload them to the site if needed. Thank you all for your kind advise.
Be warned: Now that the battery has been discharged it will not hold the same charge. Just like how cold and age effect charge as well. Did you perhaps leave the SKS key within a few meters of the car all night? Could be something on that you didnt even know was on like the key talking to the car "saying im here".
Spenumatsa, what are the voltage values as reported on the nav display? When my 2006's 12v went south on me I checked the battery after 1 week. If the numbers still look good go to 2 weeks. If they don't look good then trickle charge over night or complain to the dealer that the battery isn't holding a charge. If the battery is holding a charge then I'd stop checking.