Just called Westboro Toyota about scheduling my car for the SSC 50P recall - I went online to the website and entered my VIN, and found out I needed three things done due to this recall. However, they not only have never heard of this recall, they won't even discuss it with me unless I get a card in the mail from Toyota. According to the info on this site, Toyota won't send out the cards until Oct. 26th. I had hoped to avoid the rush around everyone trying to schedule their car at the same time, but since Westboro won't even talk to me about it, looks like that won't be possible. So, don't be surprised if your dealer won't talk to you about this recall until or unless you get a letter from Toyota. FYI!!
I don't think that's a bad thing. I wouldn't want to be the first one at the dealership getting the work done. Let them do a few, so they know what they're doing.
I'd hoped to get the 50D recall done yesterday while doing my 20,000 mile but dealer said they have no info or equipment to do the job yet. they are aware of the recall but not ready to fix it yet.
I got a card from my dealership yesterday, took it in this morning and will have it back before noon. When the service manager brings my car back (won't let anyone else drive it) I'm taking him to lunch.
from what i hear, the software still isn't loaded into TIS, so most places can't and won't do your recall yet. also, many dealers don't have the grease in stock yet and have to wait for it to come in. give them a little time to prepare, folks. they usually find out after the press spreads the word around. i know my posts are usually skipped over, but i have posted this already in some of the recall discussion threads...
I hear ya! I'm in no hurry myself to get this done and frankly, how can we expect Toyota dealers to be up on a breaking SSC, especially considering that they aren't hanging out on TIS all day long waiting for TSBs to come down to them. They do have cars to service. I think we should all wait until our letters arrive and work from there. I'm much happier knowing that this SSC is out there and that I have had the opportunity to review it and confirm what services I'm to get, but I'm not going to jump the gun. I don't feel my vehicle is broken and am confident in its drivability.
Folks, there is no need to rush in and have this done. If you think there might be a 'rush' in your community be the smart one and wait it out. By this time most of the techs are very comfortable with 'flashing' the system without making a mistake and damaging your ECU, but why not let them get 20 or 30 or more of this particular flash 'under the belt' before you go in just to reduce that chance even further. The bottom line is that I think there's a greater chance that you'll have an untoward consequence from having this flash done than you would by never having it done. I probably will get it done on my Prius...I've had all the rest and I'm pretty much a guinea pig for any new Prius 'thing' that comes out. But I'm going to wait for my 35k mile oil change to go in (about 4000 miles away). I also want to see what the impact is on fuel economy. Note that on that front I don't care less what mileage drop folks in Chicago see...the weather's getting colder and everyone will see a significant drop, SSC50P or not, in those areas. But my Florida can Cali brethren I'll be keeping a close eye on. :blink:
That's strange. Dialectric grease should be standard fair for electrical connectors ordinarily exposed to the elements. All shops should have it. Unless this one is specially formulated to withstand bathing in ATF.