Hi! Great forum! I'm already learning much about my (wife's) new toy, due in January! I can't wait! Looking forward to share and learn!
Hi PeaceWeapon and welcome to Priuschat! :welcome: Hopefully, your wife will allow you to drive "her" new toy from time to time.
Of course! It'll be a Blizzard Pearl equivalent to an advanced tech pack + solar roof + leather seats & heated seats Because of past experiences we'll probably put some bumper and side mouldings too, that they offer here for the prius - won't be so pretty, but safer.
Great! I really enjoying seeing the member's photos of the Prius in all places around the world. Kind of neat to see "my car" in all these different places and how others in different countries are enjoying it. You can tell I don't get out much.
There are a few PriusChat members from Portugal. Are there tax benefits for having a Prius in Portugal? Is petrol cheaper than diesel? I'm just curious what the Prius costs in the different European countries along with petrol and diesel costs to see if that has a bearing? The Prius is becoming more and more popular in the UK as diesel is now more expensive than petrol which doesn't make the compromises in owning a diesel as worthwhile as it once was. The following link shows how sales are taking off (with a recession blip in 2009); PRIUS: FROM CURIO TO ICON
Hi there! /Portuguese on/ Bem vindo a PriusChat, espero que aprendas muito por cá, mas tem cuidado que muita coisa do que por aqui se escreve não se aplica ao modelo europeu. Para quem está a começar isso pode ser confuso. Aproveito para te deixar o convite de te registares em Prius-PT.com onde podes encontrar a tua comunidade nacional de proprietários e amigos Prius. /Portuguese off/ That said, my advice would be to join both worlds: PriusChat + Prius-PT = Prius nirvana Diverte-te!
Same words and wishes. Welcome! PT on/ Por aqui há belÃssimos posts e imensa informação! Nos casos mais importantes e aplicáveis na Europa, são "levados" para discussão no fórum Prius-pt PT off/
thanx joão and telmo grumpy: It is still cheaper on the long term for a daily user to have a diesel in europe, at least Portugal, because the tax on diesel is lower and depending on the use, in 4-5 years you may compensate the more expensive engine. Hybrids pay half the "tax on vehicles" on purchase, but that said it is much more expensive than in the US - we have to import. The model we bought is 36,300€ (over 50,500$US), due to importation and also because the tax's about 7,700€ total (woult be 9,000€ without the hybrid incentive discount - "tax on vehicles" part ends up at about 1,300€) Quite a hit, but it's worth it! We're hoping it'll be family car for many years
Wow that's expensive. I think different Eurozone countries have differing taxes for new cars and I guess the UK must have one of the lowest. I'm from the UK and the base model Prius is £20,500 or 23100 Euros, so much cheaper. Still a lot more expensive than what they pay in the USA for one. It is a nice ride, very smooth to drive and you'll love the economy.
The base model here would be about 28,000€, with no extra or accessory. Much cheaper, but, what's the fun of having a Prius if you don't have at least a few gadgets? Also, in Portugal at least, there are 4 packs, the Multimedia, the Leather, the Solar, and the Safety. They are only available for the Premium model (starting over 31,000€) and can't be bought separately, only in that order - if you want Leather, you have to get Multimedia; if you want Solar you have to get Multimedia and Leather. (although some items on the Multimedia, Leather and Solar Packs - not the solar roof - can be installed as accessories, independently from the rest, but not everything) My wife drives 60km to and from work daily. Sometimes after working 36 hours in a row with 3h sleep + 12 or 24 hours in the same week, plus normal work hours, so we though any extra help on safety is great, so we wanted the Safety pack (advanced cruise control, pre-collision system and lane assist) but that meant getting all of the packs. I don't know if this is national or company policy or it's because it is Japanese policy (from where it is imported), it made it more expensive, but I think it is worth it. Oh and she liked the Sandy Beach more than Pearl, and Japan doesn't make them apparently, so we'd have to ask the US, which meant waiting for about 10 months (!!) - they would wait to sent the most cars they could instead of just one. I like the Pearl, it's really good looking!
Great statistics and graphs. Here in Israel huge tax benfits for Hybrids Diesels exist although not too popular Price similar to gas (petrol)
We paid about £26,000 for a basic Prius If taxed like a "regular" car it would have been about £ 35,000