My Toyota 2010 Prius has a strange starting problem. Once in a while the shift gear will not go into D or R, display keeps saying start the car from P and foot on the brake. After several tries and waits in between the car starts OK. Once the car had to be boosted. The problem is not due to lots of things running such as hi beam, AC or defrost. A thorough test by local Toyota shop showed car battery is OK. Has any one got this problem and solution?
You are not pressing down on the brake pedal hard enough when you push the power button. This puts the car into accessory mode. When you then try and shift into D or R the car tells you what you did wrong on the display. So you don't have a problem. Just push down firmly on the brake pedal whenever you push the power button.
You might also check if your brake lights come on and cruise disengages with light brake application, as they should. It could be the brake light switch is improperly set. A DIY if you're so inclined.
Hi harshy7, Most likely the doors are not being closed all the way, or the door switch is not switching. The usual culprit is the hatch door. It needs to be firmly closed. The hatch can look closed, but not be fully closed.
Purchased 9/3/2010, returned for this problem the first time within the first week. Claimed by dealer was that the computer needed reprograming. Second time within a week, same symptoms, dealer claimed "house" battery was faulty and needed replacing. Now, this is the third time returned. In all cases, the above claims of fixes were not relevent. Each time, it started with a refusal to shift our of park. Reset by turning off and then it would start. Symptoms then became worse. the third time I returned it to the dealer, , I had been on a long drive of 2000 miles. The problem recurred 4 times onthat trip. There is a glitch in the vehicle and itis not because the brake was not pushed, nor that the doors were open. If anyone has a better resolution, Iam open to it. I hve filed a claim with Toyota and will be pursuing the lemon law in the state of California. My vehicle is not reliable and unsafe due to this problem. Jburns solution is invalid fo rmy vehicle donee's suggestion about the doors is also invalid for my vehicle. Does anyone have any other ideas? I hope it is not a common problem since I like the vehicle except I need one which is reliable.
It is not a common problem. Do you park on a slope? Do you use the parking brake when you park? Who is the dealer? Thanks, Bob Wilson
try a different dealer, still could be a bad brake switch, or another sensor that relates to letting you get it out of park.
Last winter my shifter would not physically move into gear. After futzing with it for half an hour or so I got it to work & it has worked since. The next time it happens I'm having Toyota tow the car as-is to the dealer. I'm sorry I don't have a solution for you.
You resurrected this thread from 8 years ago to make this statement? You should probably start anew and fully describe your situation...
Holy Resurrected Thread Batman! To the new poster? So you're saying you are having the exact same symptoms as the OP did 8 years ago?