36,000 miles on my Gen III Prius V

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by Old Bald Guy, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Old Bald Guy

    Old Bald Guy Old Bald Guy

    Aug 10, 2008
    Ft. Worth, TX
    2010 Prius
    I'm curious to see how people view their 2010 Prius after long term use.
    I now have over 36,000 miles on my 2010 Level V model and have formed some opinions. This is after 24,000 miles on my 2008 Prius.

    Tires ...
    Mine came with the low profile 17 inch Bridgestone Turanza tires. By measurement of tread wear, I expect to easily get 60,000 miles on the factory set. I run 46 psi front and 44 psi rear. They have a smooth and quiet ride, and give great traction in all the conditions I have been in. They are as smooth cruising at 85 mph as they are driving to work at 30 mph.

    Body ...
    This car is tight and everything fits together very well. I have never had a rattle ... except from whatever I have carried in the car. No wind noise ... even at 80 plus mph.

    Brakes ...
    Smooth and strong. The only problem came AFTER the brake recall to reprogram the brake computer ... THEN they felt slightly less solid. Because of the regenerative braking, I may never have to get a brake job ... the wear is almost nil.

    Interior ...
    Heated leather seats are nice in cold weather. We used ours a lot last winter. I did alter the seat mounting on the driver's seat, to raise it up. The stock setting is too low and has no up and down adjustment. I inserted several body washers under the front of the driver's seat to raise it up and the stock bolts were long enough to work. It is amazing how a small change can have a big effect on comfort for people with LONG legs like me.

    In dash navigation …
    Is great, especially on long trips out of state. I'm not a fan of voice activated so we normally set up a destination while we are parked. The touch screen controls mostly don't work when you are in gear and moving.

    Automatic climate control ...
    Is nice to set a temperature and let it run by itself. However, if you want to do it manually, you have to deal with some controls which are not convenient to use while you are driving. This would be probably the one thing I would change on this car ... the heater and AC controls. Plus, if I am wearing polarized sun glasses, I cannot read the LCD screen with the temperature settings.

    Gas mileage ...
    Because I have the big tires, my mileage is probably lower than if I had the skinny 15 inch tires. As it is, my lifetime mileage is about 48 mpg over 36,000+ miles. This is including two big driving trips. The first was a 3500 mile trip from Dallas to El Paso to Utah to Nebraska and home. The second was a 4000 mile trip from Dallas north into Minnesota, across North Dakota into Montana, back over to the Black Hills, and back home. Between the two trips, we covered a LOT of miles (2000 or more) above 80 mph. I had the cruise control set on 85 across much of North Dakota. We probably covered another 2000 miles at 70 mph or above.
    Even with all those FAST miles, we still have a lifetime MPG of about 48. This is based on CALCULATED mileage. I learned early on that the onboard computer is about 5% off. Anybody know how to reset the computer so it will figure mpg correctly?

    We had a chance last month to rent a Prius on a quick flying trip to California. The rental car was the cheap seats version of the Prius, with no navigation, 15 inch tires, slow steeling and cloth seats.
    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise ... there is a very pronounced difference between the version with the little tires and the one with the big tires. The rental did not have near the handling or ride and the steering was almost clumsy.

    Overall, I am well pleased with my 2010. I have driven many, many cars over the last 45 years and this Prius is as good of a road car (or better) than almost anything else I have owned or driven. The Prius is smooooooth and quiet on the interstate and does my 60 mile round-trip commute to DFW airport with ease.

    Reliability ... zero issues so far. Oh yeah, the 10,000 mile service interval with Mobile-1 oil is real nice.

    Anyone else out there with some long miles yet?
  2. jayrider

    jayrider Member

    Aug 14, 2010
    southwest illinois
    2010 Prius
    I have the IV prius and the seat can be raised or lowered with a lever on the left side of the seat. Doesn't the V have the same capability ?
  3. samsprius1

    samsprius1 Active Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    2023 Prius
    Limited AWD-e
    I think old bald guy means the front of the seat?
    I had a Volvo you could move just the front up and down!
    I will use his idea! Great write up,Only have 12K on my V
    it's everything you say.
    I think it's the best car for the money!
  4. Old Bald Guy

    Old Bald Guy Old Bald Guy

    Aug 10, 2008
    Ft. Worth, TX
    2010 Prius
    I have the same lever you mention but..... it doesn't raise the front of the seat. I took out the front mounting bolts and loosened the rear mounting bolts. At this point, the seat will tip up VERY easy. I inserted the body washers under the front, put the bolts back in, and tightened everything back down.

    If I wanted to go higher, I would have to get some longer bolts ... just make sure they are grade 8 strength ... and add some more washers.
  5. Judgeless

    Judgeless Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Cleveland, OH
    2010 Prius
    I have over 41,000 miles on my 2010 Prius IV


    Tires – I run both winter and summer times. I predict I will get 40,000 miles on the winter tires and close to 100,000 on the summer tires that came with the car. I will wear them down to nothing. I keep the summer tires at 49/47PSI.

    Body – I do have some rattles that I have fix from time to time.

    Brakes – I predict I will never need breaks. I put 170,000 miles on my last vehicle before I replaced the front brakes. I sold the SUV at 305,000 and never replaced the rear.

    In dash Nav – Worthless (1990 based technology , I use a Garmin. If I replaced then unit ever 2 years I would still save over $1,000 and I will get the latest in technology.

    Automatic climate control – I set it to auto and let it work. It works great.

    Gas mileage – I get between 58-60MPG

    Reliability – “It’s a Toyota” enough said. Zero repairs. I would bet a lot of money that I will have zero repairs way over 100,000 miles. I feel bad for all the people that waisted over $1,000 for an extended warranty.
  6. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius

    I have just turned 24k on my 2010 Barcellona Red Prius II. It was made in Jan and I took delivery of it at end of March.
    Tires: I have the Yokohamha tires. They are about 1/2 worn out. I keep them at 42/40. They have just started making a drumming type noise depending on what the road surface is. They seem in general to be getting noiser. I think the Goodyear Fuel Max tire on had on my 08 is better.

    Body: Seems to be just as well made as earlier Pri paint even seems less prone to scratches and chips but maybe the color. Not a squeak or rattle. Do prefer the styling of the Gen. 2, think it's cuter and more unique (but that's just me LOL)

    Brakes: Never had an issue. They work great, had to brake really hard once when some jerk cut me off. Made lots of noise between the squealing, the antilock pump running and my cursing LOL

    Interior: Was worried about rattles ect. after reading posts about the early production models. However mine is nice and tight on rattles or creaks, glove box fit and finish is better than earlier Pri. (No light leaking out of glove box). Love the seats and extra room and the telescoping steering is great. Much more comfortable interior. Don't mind the bridge as much as I thought I might.

    Gas Mileage. Big surprise here. Didn't think I would see such a big difference. The Gen2 was great but the Gen3 is fantastic. My 08 would get around 48 mpg when we travel to Florida but the Gen.3 gets easily 50 and sometimes get 52-54 out of a tank.

    Overall I really like my 2010 even though I like the looks of the Gen.2
  7. Bica2go

    Bica2go New Member

    May 21, 2009
    Boston, MA
    2010 Prius
    Points to you guys for the miles on your cars. I'm not close to your numbers. But I wanted to respond to Judgeless

    I haven't bought the warranty - but at 14mos my display failed and the dealership just replaced it. I was 3hrs from home when the left side went (I lost the fuel tank indicator, the MPH, instant mpg and the gear indicator). The right side with the HSI was fine. Wierd. Some of us aren't going to be as lucky as you with zero repairs.
  8. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Old bald guy, you're joking right? "Long miles?" At 35,000 miles your car should be at 1/6 its lifespan.

    Now, that said, it's pretty presumptuous to say "zero repairs." There's no shame in purchasing the extended warranty. Anything can go wrong. My sister's 92 Corolla just broke down a month ago at only 80k miles. There is no crystal ball.
  9. Judgeless

    Judgeless Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Cleveland, OH
    2010 Prius
    Extended warranties are like Vegas. Everyone claims they come back with more money than spent or they made out on the warranty.

    The facts are that Vegas keep growing because of large profits. Same with extended warranties. It is a calculated business with a lot of profit for the people selling them and the companies that offer them.

    The only people that lose are the consumers.
  10. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Nobody is claiming anything. If you paid for an extended warranty and never had to use it, who cares? Lucky you!

    You don't go to Vegas to make money, you go for the good time. You don't buy the extended warranty to cover your losses, you buy for peace of mind.

    You can pretend you're more business savvy than everyone else who bought it, but smart people buy it all the time for their own personal reasons.
  11. Judgeless

    Judgeless Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Cleveland, OH
    2010 Prius
    I am not claiming I am business savvy.

    I am posting facts. Both Vegas and Extended warranties are created to make a profit. Both are extremely profitable. The only person that loses is the consumer. At least when you go to Vegas you have fun. Losing money on an extended warranty is no fun.
  12. macmaster05

    macmaster05 Senor Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    2010 Prius

    Your argument sounds like one of those stupid Yahoo Consumer articles. Dealers don’t put a gun to our heads and make us buy extended warranties, but educated, level-headed people choose to buy it all the time. Even members of this forum have asked if it's worth it, and decided to buy it! I think you will find yourself in the minority who think the warranty is complete waste of money.
  13. Tonic

    Tonic New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
    Other Hybrid
    People owning a Prius V do you really think the 17 inchs wheels make a difference on fuel consumation?
  14. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...t-did-we-learn-chief-engineer.html#post775134 (I along w/some other lucky Priuschatters + the moderators were at this event, but I think I wasn't at the particular Q & A session where the 17" wheel mileage hit was asked about. We were divided into 3 groups and did a rotation.)
  15. Judgeless

    Judgeless Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    Cleveland, OH
    2010 Prius
    I know dealers do not put a gun to your head. They sell based on FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt).

    You sound like one of those people that will pay any amount for peace of mind.

    Did they sell you a paint protection package, interior protection, nitrogen in your tires, a clear coat bra, rust protection, extended insurance on finances or many of the other worthless items like an extended warranty.

    Any financial advisor will recommended not buying an extended warranty. Let me ask you this. Out of this list of car what manufacture would probably have issues over time and list the ones that will not.

  16. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    Good idea for a topic Old Bald. I have 33,000 on my Prius V with ATP.

    TIRES: Mine came with Toyo Proxis A20 tires. They are very good tires in all of the conditions I have encountered, the're even pretty good in snow for all season tires. I think they are at their best on dry pavement. They are a bit noisy but that doesn't bother me at all. I have experimented with pressures and have used between the Toyota recommended pressures and 50 psi. I usually run between 45 and 48 psi. I will be lucky to get 40K miles out of them, but I drive pretty hard so that isn't so bad for me. Wear is pretty even across the tread but a little more toward the outside due to cornering forces. I plan to replace them with Michelin Pilot Sport A/S Plus.

    BODY: I have had a lot of rattles but they come from the interior not the body, the sheet metal and plastic on the outside are fine. Paint is good also but soft like all new cars.

    BRAKES: Yes I experienced the "braking over rough surfaces at slow speed" problem and was a little perplexed by it at first. I soon came to realize that it was not to bad and I could easily deal with it. When the recall was issued I elected not to have it done because I wasn't sure what collateral problems might be created by the software fix. I still haven't had it done and I am perfectly happy with the brakes. Surprisingly I haven't experienced the problem again in over 20K miles. I will pass the recall notice on to the next owner.

    INTERIOR: Not my favorite interior by a long ways. Lots of rattles and one in the passenger's side of the dash that no one, including me, has been able to find. I don't like the bridge thing in the middle. Needs more and better cup holders. The leather heated seats are very nice and the front seats are more comfortable than the Gen2 seats were. Other than the seats I think I liked the Gen2 interior better.

    IN DASH NAV: Well it works and it usually gets me there. But the only real advantage over a Garmin is that this one is built in.

    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL: I love it, works great and does everything I want it to. Did take a little while to figure out all the possibilities though.

    GAS MILEAGE: It's kind of up to me the driver, I can make it good, bad, or indifferent. I do wish they hadn't built in a 5% error for the CONS display.

    I think the 215mm wide tires cost about 1% to 2% in mileage. But I knew that when I ordered the car and I would buy them again due to improved handling and stopping.

    RELIABILITY: Perfect so far. It hasn't been back to the dealer for anything.

    OVERALL: Best feature is driveability, this car is a joy to drive down the highway and I find the handling and braking to be better than any other economy car I have driven. In the handling department this car might compete with some of the so called "sport sedans".
  17. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius
    tumbleweed, when was your Prius made? It seems people with earlier production dates are experiencing the interior rattles?
  18. jayrider

    jayrider Member

    Aug 14, 2010
    southwest illinois
    2010 Prius
    I'm not a big fan of extended warranties. I've had them and never used them. Having said that I bought the Toyota Platinum 7/75k zero deductible for $654. I did this because this is the first year for the prius remake and it was extensive. Also, because it's a hybrid, service issues are only available at the dealer. [oil changes excepted].
    In my mind this is actually a better use of my money than the navigation and sunroof packages which people are happy to spend 3-4k. My Garmin works fine and I can redirect it while driving. I may have lost $654 on the warranty but the nav and roof bring virtually nothing on resale. The leather is a must have for me and Mrs. Jay.
    Like I said -- if it was a new 09, would never have bought the warranty. Buying a new model the first year is a different story. Plus $654 is pretty reasonable.
  19. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    I think you may be correct, I should have waited a few more months. My car has a build date of 07/09, it was made by the Tsutsumi #1 plant.

    In addition to the rattles I had missing bolts in the front spoiler, headlights aimed wrong, and cruise control/brake light switch adjusted wrong. I fixed all of those things myself except for a couple of rattles that I am still looking for.
  20. adamace1

    adamace1 Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    2010 Prius
    I'm curious to see how people view their 2010 Prius after long term use.
    I now have over 26,000 miles on my 2010 Level II model and have formed some opinions.

    Tires ...
    Ecoppia or whatever they are called. They work fine, and I'm happy with the wear, i will get over 50k on them

    Body ...
    This car is somewhat tight and everything fits together pretty well. the rear spoiller is now starting to get a little loose i do open and close the hatch at least 12 times a week. I have had a rattles ... and loud ones from whatever I have carried in the car. i do hear wind noise ... at speeds over 55 mph.

    Brakes ...
    Smooth and strong. Noticed nothing after the brake recall to reprogram the brake computer ... Because of the regenerative braking, I may never have to get a brake job ... the wear is almost nil.

    Interior ...
    Is ok. The seat could use more padding, i can feel through the padding in the lumbar area and it feels hard. I like the floating console but wish it didn't squeek or rattle. Same with alot of other parts inside the car.

    Automatic climate control ...
    I Love it.

    Gas mileage ...
    I'm happy with my average, This is a big reason why i bought the car and it delivered!!!

    Overall, I am well pleased with my 2010. I just wish the Interior was up to GM quality, same with the radio it sucks for a stock.
    Reliability ... had a dash panel replaced it was bad from the factory. I need to have them fix the drivers seat it is loose and will clunk when i stop hard or move around. If the rear spoiler gets any looser it may start rattling. Also the wiper blades suck only lasted <6months before they were not doing a good job of clearing the windsheild. I'm used to 2+ years on my other cars. But these are all minor the car has never left me stranded so i give it an A in reliability.