HELP! After the I bought my car in for the 5000 miles service with the Toyota pre-paid service plan on Friday, today on Monday , during warm-up, the exhaust smells like a beat-up old sports car!!! I believe it is burning lubricating oil. (I think that's why beat up sports car smell!) What'd heck is going on? :blink: I can think of one reason, but I am not sure: they over filled the oil. Now, I did check the oil level on Saturday after it didn't use overnight. Somehow the oil is not settling down (may be because it is thin). But it does look like it just hits the second marker... What'd heck is going on!? :blink: Now, on that little sticker after the service, it is a Chevron sticker, and it is asking me to come back at 8000 miles. Are they suppose to put Toyota motor oil in my car? I am very angry (and worry about the catalyst, etc.) Any suggestions anyone?? :angry:
8000 miles? do you have 5000 miles now?? then that would be right on. the oil change intervals on my oil changes from the dealer is 3000 miles. they use a Castrol oil sticker on the corner of the windshield. i still do changes every 5000 though. although if this winter is severe (current projections gives this area a "greater than 60% chance of "significantly warmer than normal" season) i will change it in the middle of winter at 2500-3000 miles. it didnt happen last winter (first snow of the season was in April) so hoping it wont happen this year either. as far as the smell, take it back... have THEM figure out what the problem is. even if it goes away as i feel it will most likely do, let them know anyway.
My guess is they spilled oil on the engine or some other component that gets hot. Look around under the hood and see if you can wipe it up.
:lol: Well, I know about the 5000, 10K, 15K service thing as I do have the pre-paid maintainance plan. I will ignore the 8000 miles service thing. As for the smell, I'll bring it back later. I just want to know if I can put my finger on what is wrong so I can talk to the dealer directly! :angry:
I checked it right after I got the car back. Not a drop of oil anywhere. It really is coming from the exhaust! This is bad. Taking it back to the dealer will take more of my time. <_<
I wouldn't worry about it. They probably spilled oil on the exhaust when they removed the oil filter. Run it on the highway for afew miles to get it really hot and u won't notice it anymore. But on second thought make sure they tighned the new oil filter.
Also check that they put the oil filler cap back on. It's the about 2.5" cap on top of the engine where oil is put in. Make sure it's on and tight.
He said the smell is coming from the exhaust. He already checked the engine compartment and said it was clean, it wouldn't be clean if the oil cap wasn't on. I have a hot head and would go back to the dealer and make the fix it and then ask about compensation for my time and what the point of buying the pre-paid maintainence is if you have to come back. Ask the dealer to fill your tank with gas for your time and trouble.
yeah i agree with the others- it's the dealer's problem. most likely oil's burning on something that gets very hot. if you're concerned about anything not being tight enough check out the pavement under your car after parking it overnight. that will give you a good idea. sounds to me like they just need to clean something off. if the oil's not grossly overfilled there shouldn't be anything burning through the exhaust. have them fix whatever they screwed up and give you a credit for your time.
Guys, it depends on the smell. If it is spilled oil burning on a hot surface, it will smell like burning tires. If oil is getting into the combustion, it will smell as if it was misfiring. I call it an unburned hydrocarbon smell.
Well, thanks guys. The smell is not as bad as yesterday, but since I won't be bring it back until Friday, I will see how it goes in the next two days. I really can't say what smells that is, but it does smell like a beat-up old sports car exhaust, thus I think it is burning motor oil. Anyway, I will try to get a free tank of gas when if I bring it back to the dealer! :lol: