Yep. I came home today to find my driver side rear view mirror sitting on the top of the car. It looks like a clean clip of the mirror because there wasn't any other damage (no scraps on the side), just a couple wires hanging out the side. Has anyone had experience with this? How much did it cost you to repair? My insurance has a $500 deductible. I am just trying to get a rough estimate. Thanks -rear view mirror less in dc.
Buy one off ebay $43. Replace it yourself. 3 bolts after you pull off the interior cover.
Thanks for the info! I found the part on ebay for $43 w/ free shipping! I am a bit worried about fixing it myself, although I am not a complete idiot when it comes to these types of things. I also found an explaining how to do it.
The inside cover when you open the door just pulls off. 3 bolts and unplug the power cable that controls the mirror. Match up with the new one. Power cable only plugs in one way. Make sure to put on any rubber boots that come with the mirror to keep water out. If you are not sure of your own abilities then most repair places and autoshops will do it for you also. The shop that does my general auto service has done minor body work for me in the past. My door handle broke off for some reason and took a special tool (odd). They installed my part for $25. Also most parts come unpainted black. That may cost you $50.
For some reason I can't post a hyperlink until I've posted 5 times. So that's why I did those three previous posts. Weird. Anyways, here are the details.. I have no idea why, but my insurance estimated it would cost $950. After my $500 deductible I received a $450 check. I bought the part for about $50 on ebay. So that made for a nice $400 in my pocket.
Good job. Your first mod. lol. Getting clipped. Doesn't that just frost your cookie! $400 give your baby a professional detail job take out any scratches.
So someone was inconsiderate enough to clip the side of the vehicle and not leave a note, but courteous enough to place the mirror ontop your car so it didnt get damaged anymore? Wth? People amaze me...
I just had an experience on July 2, 2011. a drunk driver passed out slammed into our 2010 prius knocking the car 35 yards down the road going into a neighbors yard and hitting a city light pole. Double whammy. Im worried about the trannsmission being broken since it was in park and it rolled on its own down the street after getting hit
Also, kids on bikes are good sources of clippage. The little blighters feel terrible about it but are equally terrified of what you or their parents will do to them - thus providing another possible explanation for the gentle placement of the clipped mirror.
Update on this. I was able to fix it and documented the process here: Installing a side rear view mirror on a Toyota Prius. | ~/useful.txt