After seeing a rather pleasant experience that my friend had when he purchased a Toyota from Sherwood Park, I was more than happy to go back and give them my business (heck, I even went back to the same salesman) because I thought they were a friendly bunch. For whatever the reason, in the 4 months since, they've changed. They've low-balled the value of my smart ... twice (They did offer a good trade-in value in June with the promise of an August delivery so now that it's August, how did my smart manage to lose Cdn$4,500 in value with only 1,300km extra?). Not only that, they managed to quote me the incorrect base price (Why is it $1,000 more?) and added extra fees claiming that's what they always charged. (Freight/PDI is $1,420 for the Prius. They separated it and called the Freight for $1,420 and PDI for $600 for a total of $2,020!!!!). I know for a fact that this is false because that was not on my friend's bill of sale. The car that was supposed to come in never did. They didn't tell me if they switched with another dealer or not when I asked. Needless to say, I am truly disappointed at their attitude and their willing to play their usual dealership games. If it's happening at the floor level, how much more do I have to endure at the finance end? (My friend was basically forced onto an extended warranty).
economics car sales are even wurst then a few months before so there trying to get some more money out of it to stay in bisnus=
That's horrible. I think someone here said they told their dealer if you want me to give you a high rating, then no BS. When I bought my Corolla in 2002 I was also "forced" into the extended warranty. But the fact is, you do not have to buy it to get locked into a rate. If they try and pull that with you, tell them you know it is not true and if they try and force it on you, you will report them to the BBB or whatever you guys have in Canada. I'd also work on getting that price you were double charged for knocked off, Can you bring in your friends invoice? With one of the cars I bought, the dealership was charging everyone extra DMV fees. They got slapped with a class action lawsuit.
It's ridiculous.. and you know my situation so that's an even greater shock. Yeah... I remember him doing the usual "give me a high rating when Toyota sends in the survey" crap.
I know your pain. It really leaves a bad taste in your mouth to get screwed over by someone you trusted.
I'm sorry to hear this, Tideland. I know you to be an honest and reasonable person, so I'd accept your story over the dealer's any day. I really don't understand how some dealers think they can get ahead by ripping people off - it only hurts them in the long run. And those surveys are bogus - mine was already filled in for me. Edit: If there's any way buying your car here works for you, I'm sure we could come to some arrangement for delivery.
That and time wasted haha.... hey if you feel like hosting a meet somewhere, I'm up for it. We have two new owners (Radon and moner). I don't know where Frank went and Dave drops in but doesn't post. (not Olympia Dave)
I was quoted a much higher price by a sales person at Sherweood Park Toyota on the phone than what was listed in their Edmonton Journal ads so I didn't take it any further. A year later I spotted a deal on a 2005 Toyota Prius at Kingsway Toyota. Saw it, drove it, bought it. No 'sales crap' from the salesman or their 'legal guy'. Getting it converted into a plug-in hybrid next Easter.
Dealing with dealers, you've got to know how to deal with them. First and fore most, I'd print out all the pricing and incentives and whatever rates their website's showing, and bring along any advertisement from newspapers, even if it's from their competition dealers. I'd throw them all on his desk and tell him up front that I've done my research so no BS, please, thank you very much. I did all that buying my Pontiac G5 and my Prius, paying not a dime more than neccessary. Any dealer started pushing any BS like $200 worth of nitrogen in the tires, I shamed him, and walked. Just for fun, once I went into a Chrysler dealership pretending to buy a car unprepared, the salesman tried to sell me a 1 year old used car @ $2000 below MSRP, while the Chrysler incentive was $4000 below MSRP for a brand new one. A couple of months later I went again prepared, he didn't recognise me, and he literally begged me to bug a Caravan @ $1000 below Chrysler incentives, I still walked. If you walk in looking like a fool, they'll make sure you'll become one. Those chrocodiles will bite you and then shed some tears. Never trust any one, even though you might "know" him before. I know the car selling business was really tough in the last 2 years, but hey, don't expect me to save your problem.
The purchase of my smart was the easiest process ever. My salesman was knowledge and wasn't pushy at all. The same went for the financial advisor. No hidden costs added. None of the crap that you see at Toyota dealers.
Tideland Prius: You must have more than one Dealer in Edmonton, do you not? In fairness all new cars in Canada have freight over and above the list price. Not sure how your friend got by without paying it? I just purchased a 06 with 19,500 Kilometers on it at a very good price. Hybrids are not selling well in Canada, so really there should be deals out there! Especially in your area, as pick-ups are the car of most? Cheers: H
I take that as a compliment, thanks. It's a matter of priority. For me, a poor person on many counts, buying a car (which I plan and hope to keep for 15+ years) is a BIG deal. So I spend A LOT OF TIME to research, search, bargain and decide. I know, some people with a lot of dough would see $40,000 as pocket change and don't want to spend much time on it. But don't complain to anyone afterwards that you found out you've been ripped off. You should treat the extra money you shelled out as convenience fee - the fee to free you from the tedious processes of researches, preparations, searches and bargaining from many different dealers. However, I also treat those tedious dealings as a learning experience, a time well spent.
The difference is that they were charging an additional fee on top of the standard $1,495 for PDI. They claim that Freight is $1,495 and PDI is $600 for a total of $2,095. I've got reasons to believe why they think they can run charges by me but I'm not gonna say it out loud. Used hybrids in Canada should have a better price considering there are still a lotta ppl that don't want one even as second hand so they prices can be a bit more reasonable. I bought mine new and depending on province, the dealers may or may not deal.... not pointing my fingers and any but dealers in certain provinces may have some sort of ... under the table dealings amongst themselves and I'm not sure Toyota Canada cares since it doesn't affect them directly. the difference is staggering.
great news.:welcome: and good luck with the conversion! Thanks bisco! I've paid for the system now and am planning to get it installed in about 12 days! Can't wait!! Since my last post (which I see is quite some time ago) they've made more advances on the system and the price has come down too. Recently won an iPad and digital camcorder via a video contest. With my new found confidence in video production I'm documenting the conversion project and will make it available on YouTube if anyone is interested. Does anyone know how to get the Toyota Prius text font? I've heard about the 'Star Trek Next generation and Knight Rider' fonts but can seem to upload them on my computer. I'd like to make a tasteful sign signifying that i'm driving a plug-in hybrid. I've got a contact through work who can water-jet cut plastic and have it chromed. I'd like the signage to have a professional factory made look. Thanks
Hi Tideland. I got a customer response card from Toyota Canada later on and relayed my 'upselling' experience then. Thanks for the feedback.