I finally made the jump, after loving the Prius for several years. I traded my Escalade ESV last week and got the new Prius IV with the solar roof. Just love it! To be candid, I trade about every 6 mos. Have had several Mercedes, Volvos, Suburbans, Escalades, VWs...everything. I already like the Prius better than anything I've ever had. In fact, already put 1,000 miles on it this week! I'm in real estate, so it's an awfully nice feeling not to think (as I did in the Escalade)"is it worth $30 to drive there." More over, I just think it's such better PR in this economy to drive a more understated vehicle. So many of my clients are going through devestating times- job losses, foreclosures, etc. To drive up in a $70k Escalade looks out of touch and ridiculous in these times. I keep thinking the "newness" will wear off and we won't want to be in it every minute....but...maybe not! Another thrilled Prius driver.
Glad you love it more than anything else! That says a lot about this car. I just hope your Prius is not another transient purchase.
Nope. I feel confident in saying I will keep the Prius. After all how could you go back after 50+ mpg?? The reason I traded the others was because I tend to put lots of miles. The others that I had would have depreciated so much, that it made sense for me to turn them more often. However, it would be tough to find a reason to get rid of this one. This week moved my office. Put 2 large office chairs, 3 boxes of copy paper, a rolling file cabinet, 2 file stands, 4 lamps and several more stacks of files...and had plenty of room! I think I've about converted several of my friends!
Congrat, im happy to see im not the only now who change nice fast car ( lancer Evo X ) for a Prius i am going to work in real estate too soon! Cant wait!
I suppose if you are coming from a Cadillac Escalade then you can consider a Prius IV with a sunroof an "understated" vehicle. But given it's solar panel, and being a Prius...I wouldn't define it as understated. It's not considered as affluent or prestigious an automobile...but how can something as unique as a solar paneled roofed hybrid be understated? I've heard a lot of adjectives and phrases both good and bad used to describe The Prius...but understated has never been one of them. Way back in the 70's when I was just a kid, my Dad sold real estate. Back then there were listing books...no internet. I use to help him write the copy for his listings. "Charming Bungalow" was code for "Small". ...and often..."All Original Fixtures"...meant it hadn't been improved or remodeled in 20 years. I'm just afraid..."Understated" might personally mean...you'll be trading it in on a Hybrid Lexus soon....
Haha! Yep! I can attest to this. Thats what I was thinking too, but didn't want to pass judgement or put the idea in his head. I hope he, as well as everyone here, is an active PC member for months or years to come...
Well I'm not REALLY trying to plant any ideas in anyones head. But if I had the money...The Hybrid Lexus offerings...are REALLY REALLY nice. Might be a better spot between the luxury of Escalades and Mercedes...and the more utilitarian offering of a Prius. But I have some of my dads salesman in me....
welcome to priuschat. I keep waiting for that new car feel to go away. It still feels -kinda- new. when i'm away from the car, i don't think about it as exciting or new... once i jump in and travel 3 stories in ev mode down to the street, i find joy. it's also enjoyable to have a resale value that's higher than the payoff for the car. (loan)
So sorry...did not mean "understated" in a derogatory meaning, but more of a compliment. I merely meant coming from an Escalade which can be so over-the-top, the Prius is more confident without 200 lbs of shiny chrome. Ha. I will say that this car has just as many gadgets as the Escalade which is very fun...without the obnoxiousness of the Escalade. I do have a few friends with the Lexus hybrid. Nice vehicle, though the Prius actually seems to have better headroom. For a taller person, it seems like you have to duck more in that car than in the Prius. I still get annoyed when someone assumes the Prius is small or compact...it actually has more leg room than the Escalade or my Mercedes E320 had. I drove my wifes Volvo XC90 today and it already seemed trucky and big after the Prius. I may just convince her into one too. Have a great week all!