My wife has problems viewing LCD screens...she can only look at my computer monitor for a few seconds before she has to look away. Her eye doc says that the condition is rare but does happen. She has a lot of issues with the Prius, but the top of the list is the LCD screen (vision to the rear is another issue). Any thoughts on how I could handle this? We could drive our Corolla for another five years, but deep down inside I want a Prius. Bob Gardner
I thought my screens were VF, not LCD. Of course, this varies by model year, trim level, and which particular screen is under consideration. I think navigation displays have always been LCD.
OK, Tom (and thanks to all of those who replied). I wasn't sure to what extent the LCD screen was essential to driving. We have our own GPS and probably would not opt for a nav system if our beanbag mount would work as well in a Prius as it does in the Corolla. I assume that there is an analog speedometer or at least a digital one that does not use LCD technology...other than speed, I can't think of anything else that requires constant or even intermittent attention. Bob Gardner
The speedometer is digital. It, and the other related displays, are Vacuum Fluorescent displays, not LCD. Tom
Bob: It seems that your wife is sensitive to the refresh rate. ON a PC you can change the rate on the display properties page. Have you tried that? Does a regular old fashioned CRT (TV) bother her? You could go to a dealer, and have her see if the screen causes her problems. There are also other (inferior but good) hybrids available that don't have LCD displays, so a Corolla is not your only option if it is a problem. Covering it, or turning it off is not a good choice, since it also handles the radio and AC systems.